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Home Suppliers Wardell Armstrong Archaeology

Wardell Armstrong Archaeology

About Us

Wardell Armstrong has been providing expert archaeological and heritage services for over 25 years.

During this time we have demonstrated our ability to provide effective and commercially aware advice to a wide range of clients throughout the UK.

As one of the first consultancies to provide independent archaeological and heritage advice, we have been at the forefront of assisting clients in managing change to the historic environment and all of our advice is built upon a profound understanding of the central role which the historic environment now occupies within the planning system.

We have built a reputation based on our ability to deliver our client’s requirements on diverse projects by understanding their specific needs and applying our considerable experience in delivering the right solution.

Our Heritage consultancy team offers a wide range of services to assist in the successful submission and determination of planning applications including the constraints reports, impact assessments, heritage statements, archaeological desk-based assessments, design of works, tall building assessments, listed building and scheduled monument consent applications, historic building conservation advice and expert witness services.

Our archaeological field team offer a total suite of fieldwork services from initial non-invasive surveys such as field walking, geophysical survey, ground modelling, LIDAR and topographic surveys and historic building analysis and recording to archaeological invasive investigations including augering, archaeological trial trenching, archaeological excavations, watching briefs and monitoring.

Our field team is supported by our in-house specialist environmental team, within our purpose built post excavation facility, who provide finds analysis, palaeoenvironmental processing and analysis, post-excavation analysis, publication and outreach. Our environmental team provide independent specialist support to archaeological contractors and government agencies.

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