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Home Suppliers Lufton & Associates

Lufton & Associates

About Us

Lufton & Associates is a consultancy of chartered planning, environmental and allied professionals.

The consultancy is a flexible practice that draws together the best professional expertise to give planning, environmental and land development advice.  The consultancy was born out of extensive experience in the regulatory sector and uses professionals qualified in the areas of expertise necessary and relevant to your project.  It was formed in November 2012.

Lufton & Associates provides a full range of professional services and can provide everything you need to gain planning consent.

We work with an RIBA architect practice and we have a range of trusted specialists who can help us with everything from a tree survey to a hydrological model.  Lufton & Associates have a wealth of transport policy, highway and traffic experience and prepare detailed Transport Statements for all our major applications.

Recently we have gained consent for developments from riding stables to industrial estates.

The practice also specialises in representing resident, community and action groups through the planning and development plan process.  We have particular strengths in helping communities address major development projects and proposals in their area and representing them through Inquiries or Development Plan Examinations.  Most of our Action, Resident and Community Group clients remain with us throughout the planning process for as long as it takes to achieve a positive conclusion.

We can use our expertise to assist you in getting a better outcome from a major development or infrastructure proposal that impacts on your community or property interest.

We will work with and for communities in relation to any major development, infrastructure proposal or planning issue, although we particularly specialise in the following areas;

  • major residential and mixed-use residential proposals;
  • proposals effecting Green Belt and any environmental, biological or ecological designations;
  • proposals with significant infrastructure implications, complications or requirements (highways and transport in particular);
  • complex mixed-use commercial proposals and proposals for out-of-centre retail development;
  • major development proposals in rural areas;
  • the energy sector and proposals under the Electricity Act.

Our Services | Land Services | Case Studies: Action Groups

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