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Home Suppliers Denbighshire County Council Building Control

Denbighshire County Council Building Control

About Us

Full Plans Application

The plans should be drawn to a suitable scale containing floor plans, elevations and sections showing all construction detail.  Your plans will normally be checked within 10 working days of a valid submission. If they conform to the relevant regulations then an “Approval” will be issued.  If they show omissions or further information is required then advice will be given.

You can email your full plans application to us at

Building Notice Application

This type of application is generally aimed at small domestic building works. Unfortunately we  cannot accept a Building Notice for commercial or industrial buildings. No formal approval will be given with these types of application. The total fee is payable upon the submission of the application in full for which we will invoice you.

You can email your full plans application or building notice together with a block plan to

.Fees & Charges

When a full plans application is made there is an initial plan check charge on submission for which we will invoice you and then when work commences on site we will send you a separate  invoice for the total site inspection charge.

Guidance notes and charges

Pre-submission consultation

A pre-submission consultation can provide you with all the information needed to help you through the approval and building process. This free consultation:

  • can reduce project costs
  • avoid delays
  • create awareness of building constraints
  • is impartial and provides for flexible payment of fees and charges
  • can include liaison with other council departments
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