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Home Suppliers Fire Door Inspection Scheme

Fire Door Inspection Scheme

About Us

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 came into force in 2006.

The key aspects of the RRO are:

• Building owners, landlords, head teachers, estates managers and many other people now shoulder the legal responsibility for fire safety
• They have to appoint a ‘responsible person’ for each building
• This person has to ensure that an annual fire risk assessment is carried out and in most cases, documented
• The risk assessment has to demonstrate that adequate attention has been paid to all aspects of fire safety management, including active and passive fire measures; signage; means of escape; and evacuation procedures
• Where in-depth knowledge is lacking, the responsible person has a duty to engage someone with the relevant expertise to be able to implement or advise on key areas

The responsible person must:

• Ensure that a fire safety risk assessment is carried out
• Implement and maintain a fire management plan

Part of this risk assessment and fire management plan must consider the safe installation, maintenance and inspection of fire doors.

The person responsible for fire safety in Scotland is called the ‘duty holder’, while in Northern Ireland they are known as the ‘appropriate person’. However, the duties of this person, regardless of country, are the same: to carry out the fire risk assessment and ensure the safety of anyone using their premises.

Where can I find guidance from fire door experts?

You can find an FDIS Certificated Fire Door Inspector using our free online database.

FDIS Fire Certified Fire Door Inspectors will carry out and extensive inspection and audit of your fire and escape doors to ensure their fitness for purpose. Their comprehensive reports will provide details of any remedial works that may be required where faults are found.

This help and guidance is invaluable when compiling the overall risk assessment for the building.

For more information, or to find your nearest FDIS Certified Inspector please go to:

0844 801 1518

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