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Home Suppliers GeoSmart Information Ltd.

GeoSmart Information Ltd.

About Us

We support property developers, architects, planning consultants, insurance providers, lawyers, local authorities and infrastructure owners in managing the impact of future risks to the environment, specifically climate change, on existing land and water.

Our mission is to make the information required for sustainable development, affordable, accessible and accurate for our customers and future generations. Our values are:

  • Expertise – we are experts in how water, land and climate interact and the impact that has on the built environment, both now and in the future
  • Innovation – we are innovators. We combine existing and new data and our own unique experience to create new solutions for property and other sectors
  • Customer focused – we put our customers first and design products in collaboration with them.

GeoSmart Information, formerly known as Envirep, was formed in 2013 and is a sister company of ESI, a leading independent scientific environmental consultancy specialising in water, land and sustainable development. We focus on providing the best value environmental desk based reports to support property professionals in their planning applications and property transactions.

Today, GeoSmart provides a broad range of environmental reports to support sustainable development together with a range of data products and innovative subscription services in areas of groundwater flood risk and sustainable drainage systems.

For more complex assessments and site investigations, GeoSmart has the benefit of being able to access the team of dedicated consultants and specialists from our sister company ESI.


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