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Home Suppliers Grasslands Ltd

Grasslands Ltd

About Us

Grasslands are long established turf growers based in the Garden of England, supplying quality seed grown turf into the landscape, sports and amenity market throughout the South East of England.

Romney Marsh has had a reputation for growing quality grass since medieval times. In those days, the grass was for grazing sheep and cattle which continues to the present day, but for the past thirty or so years, we have moved the goal-posts somewhat by growing grass specifically for turf production. Using highly rated cultivars from the latest breeding programmes, we produce turf which is perfectly suited for the varying soils of the South East. Most of the land on which we grow is below sea level and when the Romans arrived in Kent some 2000 years ago, it was still being washed by the tides twice a day. Draining the marsh and keeping the sea out began in earnest some 800 years ago and the resulting soils are made up of sands (from the sea), organic loam (from vegetation that grew there), together with a bit of clay (washed off the land) resulting in a superb growing medium….especially for grass.

From small beginnings, Grasslands has expanded into one of the biggest turf producers in the UK. Quality is always in the forefront of our aim to supply turf into a wide variety of landscape situations throughout our area of operations. In order to achieve this, we use the latest technology and state of the art machinery to ensure that all the turf we despatch to customers is of uniform thickness and dimensions. This all makes for easy installation by our many landscape customers.

Our continuing investment in new machinery ensures that consistency of product is maintained throughout the production year. Modern overhead irrigation equipment is essential in order to bring our turf fields to harvest in tip-top order, and to ensure that our irrigation routines are maintained, a new reservoir was built and brought into use in the last few years.

Even transport does not escape our drive to maintain our “green” credentials, with continuing investment in our Euro 5 compliant fleet of delivery vehicles which have extra low emissions to comply with the latest requirements. All our delivery vehicles carry on-board fork-lifts, making offloads to difficult locations more straightforward to achieve. By carrying out all our own deliveries, we quite literally control every aspect of our product from seeding to delivery.

Today we have extended our area of operation to include the installation of turf to large-scale projects. These vary from large lawns for substantial private homes, school playing fields, high quality lawns and grass areas in housing developments and top end visitor destinations such as Kew Gardens, the Tower of London and the Natural History Museum. On these projects, turf is installed mechanically in “big roll” format which lays fifteen square metres of turf in much the same time as a single square metre would be laid by hand.

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