RICS Modern Methods of Construction event

201818sep5:30 am8:00 amRICS Modern Methods of Construction event5:30 am - 8:00 am(GMT+00:00)

Event Details

Discussion of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) needs to be in the context of a shortfall of about 100,000 newbuild housing completions per annum against government targets.

Also relevant is the diminishing residential construction labour force due to age, repatriation, and lack of replacement, as spelled out in Mark Farmer’s report, “Modernise or Die” in 2016, and the flight of SMEs from the sector.

Without a very significant volume adoption of MMC, the lost decades of housebuilding will not be clawed back.

RICS Modern Methods of Construction Case Studies Paper

This event launches the RICS Modern Methods of Construction Case Studies Paper on new homes constructed utilising various MMCs.

The paper aims to raise consciousness and confidence about MMC and is aimed at all those who are interested in solving our housing crisis, including designers, surveyors, lenders, investors, developers, constructors, central and local government, housing associations and perhaps most importantly, customers.

The case studies are accredited under the Build Offsite Property Assurance Scheme, which was launched in 2013 by RICS, Buildoffsite, Lloyds Register, Building Life Plans and sets a standard for homes built from non-traditional methods and materials to stand the test of time for at least 60 years.

Expert Panel

Attend this event to hear from an expert panel on these issues as well as gain an insight into the case studies. The keynote speech will be delivered by Mark Farmer, chair of the MHCLG’s MMC Working Group.

In addition, our expert panel will offer their insights into:

  • MMC technology
  • Delivery of new Housing
  • Assurance and insurance
  • Requirements of lenders
  • Role for surveyors

You will also get the opportunity to engage with fellow surveying professionals, lenders, investors, funders, designers, developers, constructors, and representatives of central and local government and housing associations.


18th September 2018 5:30 am - 8:00 am(GMT+00:00)