As the cost of living continues to rise exponentially, We Buy Any House lists the top 5 alternative housing options that are significantly more affordable than traditional homes

When it comes to buying a property, it is perhaps one of, if not, the biggest investment you will make in your lifetime. Societally, we have to work for years before most of us can afford the deposit for a property, and even then- our finances are directed towards the general upkeep and maintenance of our homes. As the cost of living is rising at quite a significant and rapid rate, more and more people are beginning to take a step back from their goals to buy a property- and are spending an increasing amount of time looking into alternative housing that is more affordable.

Fixer upper projects are a cheap alternative to traditional housing

The first option to alternative housing is to undertake a fixer upper project. This is essentially where you take a house that is worse-for-wear and do it up yourself. Although you may think this will add unnecessary expense to your property, the price savings come from two places. Firstly, the property will be significantly cheaper due to its current state- and also, you can make better financial cuts if you make cost savvy decisions when it comes to DIY projects and redesigning the property.

Pallet homes are affordable alternatives

They may not look the most appealing, but they are definitely affordable and alternative! If you are on quite a tight budget, then a pallet home is a perfect solution to alternative housing. It’s a great temporary solution for those who are wanting to save up, and with just a few pallets fixed together, you can have a little house that is quaint.

What are the benefits of living in an RV?

Nowadays, thanks to social media, there is a huge trend and interest in revamping an old caravan or RV to make a mini-mobile home. Another alternative and affordable type of housing, you can design and create your perfect home- and the benefits, such as being able to literally live anywhere you desire, and not having to pay certain taxes that apply to properties are a great benefit.


Shipping containers make for amazing contemporary homes

Perhaps the most creative, a shipping container is an amazing alternative! By taking an old shipping container, and renovating it cheaply, you can change a storage container into a contemporary and cosy mini home! You can change the layout and size by having adjoining shipping containers, and even have the luxury of floor-to-ceiling windows to take in the views.

Earth Bag homes are a cheap and eco-friendly option

Cheap, alternative and the only option that is eco-friendly, Earth Bag homes are the new craze. Made to look like native-style teepees, an Earth Bag home is essentially made up of feed bags that have either been filled up with rice, dirt or soil. After this, they are stacked together in a brick-like formation to make a home. They exist in a specific location where all homes are alike- so you don’t have to worry about your neighbours.

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