New partnership to deliver affordable zero-carbon housing in Hastings

Design image of new net zero affordable housing in hastings, harrow view

Modular housebuilder ilke Homes has partnered with Orbit Homes to deliver affordable zero-carbon housing in Hastings

The partnership will see the delivery of 140 affordable new homes, 84 of which will be delivered as zero-carbon, in Harrow Lane.

Each of the 84 homes will be fitted with an air source heat pump (ASHP) and solar panels which, when combined, will provide clean energy.

The entire scheme will be gas-free

The entire scheme – which will deliver a mix of apartments and houses – will be gas-free, running on renewable power generated from the ASHPs and solar panels.

ilke Homes will use offsite manufacturing techniques

ilke Homes will manufacture the homes offsite in half the time of traditional methods. Once complete, Orbit Homes will own/manage all 140 homes.

Tom Heathcote, executive director of Development at ilke Homes, said:

“We have enjoyed working closely with Hastings Borough Council’s Estates Team and the local authorities Planning Department to bring forward our proposals for the site at Harrow Lane. Subject to the clearance of pre-commencement conditions, we are excited to commence on site later this year.

“ilke Homes is proud to be delivering an entirely gas-free scheme, with 84 of the homes to be delivered as zero-carbon for our partner of choice, Orbit Homes. As a company, we continue to pioneer a sustainable and future-proofed housing typology in response to the climate crisis.”

Addressing the climate emergency whilst providing affordable housing in Hastings

Cllr Maya Evans, deputy leader and portfolio holder for housing, commented:

“We are absolutely delighted with the progress of this project, we are providing affordable homes for local people, alongside addressing the climate emergency.

“We are very impressed with ilke Homes who have gone above and beyond in ensuring 84 homes are zero-carbon, this means the energy they use will be 100% renewable, on top of fabric first sustainable building materials.

“Hastings Borough Council are now seeing the fruits of our vision, to provide high quality homes for people on low incomes, while playing an active role in reducing carbon emissions for our town. This is a very proud moment and just the start of more to come.”

Mix of affordable rent and shared ownership housing in Hastings

Helen Moore, group director of Orbit Homes, said:

“We are delighted to be working in partnership with ilke Homes, to deliver a mix of affordable rent and shared ownership properties in Hastings; which is a core area of operation for us.

“The delivery of off-site modular homes, which boast energy-efficient and environmentally friendly credentials, aligns with our 2025 Strategy to increase the number of affordable homes we deliver utilising Modern Methods of Construction.

“The 84 net carbon zero homes will not only support our Orbit Earth initiative which seeks to minimise the impact of our activities but will also allow us to fully evaluate and then articulate the benefits to our customers of living in a net zero carbon new build home.”

House prices in Hastings reach record heights

House prices in Hastings have reached record highs in recent months, overall, sold prices over the last year were 4% up on the previous year and 22% up on the 2019 peak of £241,129.

Hastings Borough Council granted Reserved Matters Approval for the 12.4-acre site in March 2022.

Work will take place between autumn 2022 and 2024

Works are due to start on site in autumn 2022, with the first homes being installed in summer 2023.

Completion of the scheme is expected in 2024.

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