Use planning system to soften climate impacts, RTPI urges local councils

Planning experts at RTPI and TCPA have issued fresh guidance to local authorities, urging them to use the planning system to soften climate impacts

Planning experts at RTPI and TCPA have issued fresh guidance to local authorities, urging them to embed climate resilience into new developments and local plans

The Climate Crisis Guide for Local Authorities on Planning for Climate Change, co-authored by The Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) and the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA), urges councillors, planners, and other practitioners to prioritise addressing climate change as a primary objective of planning and placemaking, using the planning system to soften climate impacts.

The new report replaces guidance issued in 2021

This fourth edition of the guidance demonstrates how local authorities can use existing policy levers to take meaningful climate action at a local level.

The latest guide illustrates the ways that the planning system can be used to soften climate impacts of new developments, through promoting sustainable transport and renewable energy and setting policy requirements for sustainable buildings.

The guide also encourages local authorities across the UK to approach climate change adaptation with a local understanding of the ‘reasonable worst-case scenario’. This will mean evaluating flood risk to safeguard future developments and designing buildings and communities to be resilient to future shocks and stresses.

The update has been supported by Flood Re

Dermot Kehoe, director of transition and communications, Flood Re, commented:

“Working in partnership with the TCPA and RTPI, Flood Re has advocated for improved consideration of current and future flood risk in the planning sector. We have highlighted the economic cost of the increase in flood risk for the insurance industry and homeowners along with the need to adapt to climate change (through PFR measures with our Build Back Better scheme and SuDS).

“The Climate Guide provides the necessary best practice examples to embed climate change in planning policy and safeguard homeowners from flood risks now and in the future.”

Creating a better understanding of how to use the planning system to soften climate impacts

Dr Hugh Ellis, director of policy, TCPA, said:

“Thanks to this latest edition of the climate guide, local authorities will have a better understanding of how to harness the planning system for climate action. Planning can shape lives and communities for the better, and is uniquely placed to provide a holistic, integrated view of climate mitigation and adaptation in housing, energy and transport. Local government can and must step into the gap left by central government inaction – and this guide explains how.”

Richard Blyth, head of policy practice and research, RTPI, said: “Planning plays a crucial role in achieving the climate commitments of UK Government and the governments of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as those of local authorities, engaging communities and enabling environmentally friendly choices in everything from energy to transport.

“The fourth edition of our climate guidance for local authorities, updated together with the TCPA, sets out a range of ways in which the planning system can take the lead in preparing for and tackling climate change. We urge local authorities to ensure this is at the heart of their vision for the future of our communities and make it their priority.”

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