Controversial homes for Oswestry gain support


Plans to build a four-storey housing development in Oswestry are being recommended for approval, despite considerable objections from neighbouring residents…

Objections to plans to build a new development have been lodged by residents in the Alexandra Road area. Oswestry Town Council have also relayed concerns in a report to Shropshire Council’s planning committee about the scheme.

The Wrekin Housing Trust is proposing 53 extra care apartments and eight bungalows for people over the age of 55. The properties will be affordable for people in the local area and will help to address the need for homes in Oswestry and Shropshire.

Jean Teichmann, Head of Development for Wrekin Housing Trust, said: “This is a positive, much needed residential development for Oswestry and following feedback from local residents and planning officers we have amended our proposed plans.

“Overall two apartments have been omitted from the revised plans and further apartments have been relocated to positively respond to concerns from local people.”

Oswestry Town Council said that while it supports some of the development it was not happy with the structures standing four-storeys high, as this was not in-keeping with the area. Furthermore, concerns were also raised about congestion around the site, and what this would mean for emergency vehicles attempting to use the route.

However, despite the protestations, there has also been support for the scheme. Officers said in their report that: “The redevelopment of the site, in any format, would provide economic benefits in terms of construction jobs, additional spending from residents and, in the case of the proposed extra care development also provides on-site employment and economic generation from the café.

“The extra care development will provide 100 per cent affordable housing for a specific part of the community.”


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