New collaboration to push the Internet of Things


Open Interconnect Consortium and HyperCat have joined together to ensure devices and data work together as part of the Internet of Things…

A new partnership between two organisations aims to ensure interoperability between devices and data tied to the Internet of Things (IoT).

The Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC), which aims to ensure devices work together in the IoT, and HyperCat, a consortium aimed at driving standards in the sector, will come together to push the IoT agenda.

This partnership will help to tackle two challenges in the sector: how to find relevant and trustworthy data from connect “things”, and how to ensure those things are able to talk to each other easily.

The IoT sector is worth trillions globally and unlocking its potential remains vital. HyperCat is working towards making data from a connected device accessible to everyone, while OIC is set on delivering a specification and certification programme around a communications framework to ensure interoperability between devices.

HyperCat lead and CEO of Flexeye Justin Anderson said: “The greatest value from the IoT will come when we combine the intelligence from multiple devices to create new and improved services.

“The HyperCat standard, together with the OIC specification, will go a long way towards delivering the required interoperability.

“A recent McKinsey report estimated that this interoperability is essential to unlock 40 per cent of the $11 trillion potential value of the IoT.”

“OIC and HyperCat complement each other so this collaboration is a natural progression.

“We’re already taking practical steps to share thinking and encourage collaboration with our member companies,” said Mike Richmond, executive director of OIC.

“Both OIC and HyperCat are making technical choices that benefit from decades of software experience that brought us the information architecture of the web and the protocols underlying scalable cloud services. These choices are essential to realize the benefits of IoT.”


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