Planning permission for 700 homes on brownfield land in south west London has been declined by the local authority…
Plans to build 700 homes on brownfield land in Tolworth, south west London have been denied. Kingston Council’s planning officers had recommended approval last week, but the development control committee refused to grant outline planning permission for the development submitted by Meyer Homes.
The site, which was formerly a government office, would have comprised of an 18-storey building, as well as 705 new homes. The plans also include retail space, 365 car parking spaces, a doctor’s surgery, children’s nursery, and a bus interchange adjacent to Tolworth train station.
The report from the planning officer noted the site had been “identified as a ‘key area of change’, specifically for housing, public realm and transport improvements. The site [was] also identified as a housing opportunity area, a development area and a gateway.”
The site was said to be “located in a sustainable location adjacent to Tolworth District Centre and Tolworth Railway Station and is proposed to be developed at a density in accordance with the London Plan.”
The report added: “The indicative plans for layout and heights have been tested against the Council’s adopted Development Plan to ensure that development of this quantum can be developed on the site without having an adverse impact on the character of the area, the amenity of surrounding residents and the highway network and all other material considerations detailed in the report.
“It is therefore considered that the development proposed complies with the terms of the development plan and there are no material considerations that indicate that these policies should not apply.”
However, the development control committee said it had refused due to concerns surrounding density, traffic, parking, air pollution, character, design, and the level of affordable housing.