New build housing completions in Scotland increase four per cent


Statistics have revealed the number of new homes completed in Scotland has grown by four per cent when compared to the previous year…

Official statistics published by the Scottish government have revealed some 16,000 homes were completed across all sectors in the year to September 2015.

According to the data, the number of private completions were two per cent higher than the previous year, reaching some 12,125. Housing associations and local authorities saw a 10 per cent increase at 2,828 and a seven per cent higher at 1,051.

There was also a nine per cent increase on the total number of new build homes started over the year to September 2015, reaching 17,360. The figures suggested this increase was due to a 10 per cent rise in starts in the private sector, as well as a six per cent increase in the social sector.

Housing Minister Margaret Burgess said: “As these positive figures illustrate, our increased investment in house building has helped stimulate a welcome rise in completions across all types of homes.

“This is a team effort; we will continue to work with all sectors to promote the building of new homes and support jobs in the construction industry.

“We have a strong record on housing, having exceeded our target of delivering 30,000 affordable homes in this Parliamentary term.

“Over the next five years we have committed to delivering at least 50,000 affordable homes, which represents a 67 per cent increase on our current target, backed up with investment of more than £3 billion.”


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