The Zero Carbon Hub explain their new SAP Untangled Guide which aims to help SME’s meet Part L compliance…
The Zero Carbon Hub’s Performance Gap project highlighted deficiencies in a number of areas relating to SAP calculation inputs, and associated procedures. To help improve skills and knowledge in this area, the Zero Carbon Hub has put together an informative guide that promotes good design and communication throughout the build process, in relation to SAP and Part L compliance.
The guide focusses on explaining, in simple terms, the process of obtaining an accurate SAP output – from the commissioning of a SAP assessor through to receiving the as-built SAP calculations – and outlines simple cost effective ways to meet energy and carbon requirements/targets for a development (be it Building Regulations compliance or higher standards). It draws upon work carried out by the Zero Carbon Hub’s Performance Gap project, and the specialist knowledge of the authors. The intended audience is SME Builders/Developers and their clients. The aim is for this new “SAP Untangled” guide to help to improve the quality of new homes, by identifying the most common significant and misunderstood areas of the SAP process, in order that the As Built dwelling closely matches the As Designed, and so gaining Part L Compliance. The information in the Guide is based on the current versions; Part L1A 2013, and SAP 2012. However, most will also be applicable to dwellings being built to Part L1A 2010. Although the information is only applicable to properties in England as Scotland and Wales have different regulations and are not covered by the Guide. The principals of the flow of information, however, would apply to all regulations.
The aim of the Guide is also to make the SAP assessment process more transparent to those who may not be fully aware of its significance in achieving Building Regulations Part L1A compliance. It is intended as a basic introduction to the SAP assessment process and the information required by the assessor and Building Control in order to achieve compliance with, certain aspects of Building Regulations Part L1A and ultimately, the successful production of an Energy Performance Certificate for the new home.
The Guide therefore, starts by giving an overview of the SAP assessment process, pointers on how to choose a SAP assessor and going on to detail the information required by the assessor at Design Stage, in order to produce a prediction of the energy use and carbon emissions of the dwelling. Highlights include the importance of the SAP calculation result, (for compliance) and the effects of product substitution or alterations to the design, at construction stage, together with the information required by the assessor to complete the As Built SAP assessment and produce the EPC for the dwelling. A number of quick facts highlighted in boxes and explanations of simple cost effective ways of meeting fabric energy efficiency and carbon targets, make the guide an informative read.
This Guide is one of a series of good practice guides that are aimed at addressing the performance gap and improving the design, procurement and construction quality of new homes. All publications in the series are available from the Zero Carbon Hub website. ■
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Zero Carbon Hub
Tel: 0845 888 7620