CPA conference to examine the future of plant hire


In November the CPA will host a conference looking into the factors that will impact the future of construction plant hire

The Construction Plant-Hire Association (CPA) is set to host an event on the 9 November. The ‘Understanding and Influencing the Future of Construction Plant Hire’ will be held at Wyboston Lakes Conference Centre, Cambridgeshire, in association with CanTrack.

The conference, which is in the process of being finalised, will cover a number of key issues that are at the forefront of the sector. This includes:

  • The Changing Landscape of Skills Supply
  • Tideway’s Shared Vision for a Complex Project
  • Construction Pipeline Supply & Demand Analysis
  • Innovation in Flexible and Local Training Delivery
  • Safety – Preventing Unintentional Machine Movement
  • Developments in Telematics and Tracking

The CPA has confirmed a number of speakers, including Christian Spence Head of Research and Policy from GMCC (Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce). Spence will discuss construction pipeline supply and demand analysis, which will include skills.

Roger Bailey Asset Management Director, Thames Tideway will be talk about the importance of co-operation between contractors and suppliers on complex projects.

There will also be a session from the CPA’s Tim Watson, who will outline the Plant Safety Group’s guidance document, ‘Lifting using excavators’.

The issue of tackling fraud and theft of plant equipment will be addressed by DI Caroline Clooney, of the Metropolitan Police.

It is expected more speakers will be confirmed in the coming weeks.

Delegates can register to attend the event via the CPA website


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