Women believe their gender holds them back in their career


Gender is still believed to be barrier for some women in developing their career, according to a new survey from RICS

A new survey from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has revealed more than two in five young women believe their gender is a barrier in their career.

The construction sector is constantly pushing for diversity, but these figures provide an insight into how women view their chances in the workplace, with a similar proportion believing they would be paid less than a man for doing the same job.

Survey reveals the belief gender has an impact on pay

The poll questioned women between 13 and 22. It found that 42 per cent thought they would be paid less than a man because of their gender. Only four per cent thought they would be paid more. Furthermore, around 41 per cent believed being a woman negatively impacted their success in the workplace.

Comparatively, only three per cent of men thought they would be paid less than their female counterparts for doing the same job, and 20 per cent thought they would be paid more. A total of four per cent revealed concerns their gender would negatively influence their career.

The RICS survey also found that 40 per cent of women and 39 per cent of men do not believe the property, building, and construction sector is very diverse.

Construction is not ‘just a job for the boys’

RICS president Amanda Clack said: “Speaking as a woman in construction, I can say with confidence that this is not just a job for boys.

“However, the need for diversity at the very top is clear. As now the president of RICS, and someone who happens to be female, I reflect back on when I first entered the profession, there were no strong female role models.

“Yet, according to our survey, a quarter of young women believe they will do better under the leadership of a female CEO and they want to see visible female role models.”

Female Prime Minister seen as a positive step in diversity

The survey did reveal that many thought having a female Prime Minster was a positive step, with 43 per cent of women saying this would help improve gender diversity in business.  Only 35 per cent of men thought this would improve the situation.

Clack added: “With a female prime minister in the UK and a woman in the running for the US presidency, we are seeing great female role models at the very highest level – with the potential impact that can have on workplace diversity apparent.”

The survey, carried out by YouGov on behalf of RICS, asked 1,586 Britons between 13 and 22 years old.

Reputational crisis in construction and property

RICS chief executive Sean Tompkins said: “This survey reveals that the construction and property industries are still suffering from a reputational image crisis.

“We need to do more to encourage young women into these key sectors and smash the clear perception of a glass ceiling.”

A Government spokesperson said ministers were working to tackle gender barriers in the workplace.

She said: “We now have the lowest gender pay gap on record but we’re committed to eliminating it in a generation – that’s why we’re taking action by requiring employers to publish their gender pay and bonus gaps for the first time ever from April next year.”


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