BIM and CDM2015 – an opportunity to excel


BIM and CDM2015 have similar requirements and objectives. To ignore the synergy would be a missed opportunity argues David Carr, Managing Director of Callsafe Services Limited

The Government Construction Strategy envisages that by 2016 the industry will have reached adoption of BIM Level 2, whereby “project participants will provide defined outputs via a BIM and that the BIM itself will be managed as a series of self-contained models using proprietary information exchanges between systems.”

The fundamental idea is to provide well-managed construction data, shared across disciplines and running through the building life cycle, offering clear efficiencies, huge potential and value to all parties in the construction process and for post-construction management.


The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM2015) places duties on the client, the principal designer, designers, the principal contractor and contractors to cooperate, coordinate and communicate effectively throughout all phase of a project in order the provide designs and work that have reduced the overall levels of risk.

The main elements required to achieve this are:

  • Provision of relevant and accurate ‘pre-construction information’ by the client and/or on the client’s behalf;
  • Cooperation and coordination of the design by the designers to eliminate and reduce risks by the designs and the provision of information;
  • Coordinated management of the construction site and processes by the principal contractor and contractors, controlled by the ‘construction phase plan’;
  • Provision of useful information for the persons using, maintaining, repairing, cleaning, dismantling, demolishing and amending the structures after completion of the current project in the form of the ‘health and safety file(s)’, referring to operation and maintenance manuals and other information.

BIM and CDM2015, therefore, have similar requirements and objectives.

Not incorporating the requirements of CDM2015 into the BIM process is a missed opportunity.

Callsafe Services Limited are currently developing a one-day course to explain and discuss the synergy between BIM and CDM2015, available early 2017, with the following elements included:

  • Overview of BIM;
  • Overview of CDM2015;
  • The Employers Information Requirements (EIR) and the Pre-Construction Information (PCI);
  • Design and Design Coordination;
  • Construction Management;
  • Health & Safety File and Asset Management.

This course should be useful to clients, designers, principal designers, contractors, principal contractors, facilities and asset managers, and software designers who are developing BIM software.

David Carr, PgD, DipSM, FIIRSM, FMaPS, Grad IOSH

Managing Director

Callsafe Services Limited

Please note: this is a commercial profile


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