FM market sees significant growth

building maintenance

The £60.9 billion annual spend on building maintenance (current prices) makes a significant contribution to the economy, accounting for over 3% of GDP

On most buildings, both cleaning and energy costs can be as significant as maintenance*, which shows that the total facilities management** spend is up to 10% of GDP each year on the existing building stock, which is about the same percentage as all manufacturing output.

The building maintenance estimate is taken from a recent report by BCIS***, which analyses all available statistics on construction maintenance, to produce an overall estimate for the sector. The estimate is compiled from Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures for construction maintenance output and householders’ expenditure on DIY and insurance, together with an estimate of private sector direct labour output.

The BCIS study also looks at the relationship between the value of building stock, both housing and non-housing, and the amount spent on maintaining those buildings.

The figures show that at constant prices the value of UK building stock is increasing steadily from year to year. However, in recent years the amount spent on maintaining those assets has grown slightly faster and maintenance now represents 1.05% of the value of the stock.

Constituents of building maintenance (current prices 2016)

building maintenance

* Life cycle cost estimates of maintenance and operating costs is part of the BCIS Building Running Costs Online service
** Maintenance, cleaning and utilities costs
*** BCIS Economic Significance of Maintenance Report, available as part of the BCIS Building Running Costs Online service.

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