CPA to host Training on Plant in Construction forum

Training on Plant in Construction

The Construction Plant-hire Association (CPA) is hosting a Training on Plant in Construction (TOPIC) Forum on 25 April 2018 at Nuthurst Grange Hotel in Hockley Heath, Warwickshire, to formulate a strategy on the future direction of skills development for construction plant and equipment

The Training on Plant in Construction forum is a one-off event open to CPA members, plant hire companies, contractors, clients, commercial training providers, trade bodies and organisations such as the CITB. The all-day forum will discuss the recruitment, training, development and retention of a skilled workforce in the plant hire sector. It is intended to bring together those either needing, affected by, delivering or setting standards of skills for plant and equipment training. The forum will be chaired by the current Chair of the TOPIC Group, Bob Harper, Head of Training at A-Plant.

A number of speakers will outline the skills agenda from their perspective. Factors and influences that dictate the skills agenda will be highlighted for discussion and will include skills mapping, inclusion, the economic climate, Government policy, migrant workers, recruitment, training/certification, participants, diversity and promotion. The Training on Plant in Construction forum will provide a platform for the discussing and sharing of issues and factors around the skills agenda and will include:

  • Skills Identification – What skills are required? The need for skills, skills gaps, occupational profiling;
  • Review – The existing training provision, career pathways and opportunities, current and future standards;
  • Supply – Where will new employees come from? What capabilities/skill sets are needed? supply and demands by region, the barriers to the supply of skilled workers;
  • Future Skills – Upskilling, new skills types, skills provision, careers and recruitment, expectations of employers and employees.

Kevin Minton, Director of the CPA said: “The effective recruitment, training and retention of a skilled workforce is of major importance to many organisations in the plant sector and as well as identifying issues and solutions, we aim to establish partnerships working to develop and implement solutions. The intent is to get support and commitment from companies, so we encourage knowledgeable participants who are willing and able to make a positive contribution to the work.”

Those interested in attending the forum should contact Maria Reid from the CPA via e-mail: Places are available on a limited basis.

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