Birmingham exceeds housebuilding target by 108%

housebuilding, birmingham,
© Stanko07

Birmingham has exceeded the annual housebuilding targets over the last three years by 108%, revealing that confidence in the housing market in the city is improving

The city council’s housebuilding arm – Birmingham Municipal Housing Trust – contributes significantly to the affordable housing supply, accounting for 47% of affordable completions. It is also the main provider of social rented housing.

Councillor Sharon Thompson, cabinet member for homes and neighbourhoods, said: “The high level of completions in the last three years is to be celebrated. However, as the plan target steps up we will need to develop innovative ways to increase the delivery of affordable housing as well as continue to work with the private sector to bring forward sites and that development meets the wide range of housing needs.

“It is also good to note that Birmingham performed well in relation to the proportion of new build affordable properties delivered against all new builds, compared with other core cities.

“We will need to continue to work effectively with the private sector to help unlock potential housing sites; remove barriers to development; and make efficient use of land by increasing densities where appropriate. While it is important to provide sufficient numbers, it is also important to ensure that the homes provided are of the types, sizes and tenures that will meet the wide range of housing needs.

“We will also need to develop innovative ways to increase the delivery of affordable housing as well as continue to work with the private sector to bring forward sites and that development meets the wide range of housing needs.”

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