UK BIM Alliance, BSI & CDBB launch UK BIM Framework


The UK BIM Alliance, BSI and the Centre for Digital Built Britain (CDBB) have announced the launch of the UK BIM Framework

The UK BIM Framework sets out the overarching approach to implementing BIM in the UK. The UK BIM Alliance, BSI and CDBB have committed to a co-ordinated approach to creating and communicating the framework for implementing the international standards within a UK context and ensuring a smooth transition for the integration of BS EN ISO 19650 series within our suite.

Collectively they are developing and will champion this one framework of guidance in a clear manner to support industry understanding of BIM standards and their implementation.

The UK BIM Framework sets out the approach for implementing BIM in the UK and for managing information provided by the ISO 19650 series.

The website includes:

  • The published standards called upon to implement BIM in the UK;
  • The UK BIM Guidance;
  • Useful links to other resources.

The UK BIM Framework will guide and support all organisations in implementing BIM. In particular, the UK BIM Guidance is being updated quarterly, to expand and improve its content.

Launching the UK BIM Framework at Digital Construction Week, Dr Anne Kemp, chair of the UK BIM Alliance, said: “The UK BIM Framework is the overarching approach to implementing BIM in the UK, brought to you by the UK BIM Alliance, BSI and CDBB. 

“The work you see here has been, and continues to be, the result of a massive collaborative effort, from many people over a long time, often on a voluntary basis. Thank you to all of you involved for the time and passion given.

“We hope you find the resources here useful in helping you on your journey to digital transformation. The UK BIM Framework is a vital foundation for future developments around the National Digital Twin.

“We want to ensure that through the Framework you have the support you need to implement BIM. Please do let us know if you have feedback or ideas on how we can improve this support.”

Ant Burd, associate director and head of built environment at BSI, commented: “The UK has led the way globally in developing information management process standards for Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the built environment and the ISO 19650 standards form part of the strategy to share our experience and knowledge globally. 

“To further support the UK Industry, we are pleased to be a part of developing the UK BIM Framework. Our UK experts have put a significant amount of time into the production of these standards, guidance and tools and we are eternally grateful that they help us make excellence a habit within the built environment.”

Alexandra Bolton, executive director of the Centre for Digital Built Britain, added: “CDBB aims to deliver a digitally enabled Britain, using data to support better decision-making and improve lives.

“The UK BIM Framework supports organisations in making BIM ‘business as usual’ and CDBB is delighted to partner with BSI and the UK BIM Alliance to support industry in the adoption of BIM.

“Better information management and the ISO 19650 standard provide the basis for the digital transformation of the built environment and enables the development of the National Digital Twin. CDBB’s UK BIM programme is delivered as part of the Construction Innovation Hub programme that aims to deliver a transformational change in the sector.”

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