Buildoffsite has joined forces with the Construction Innovation Hub to help deliver its mission to transform UK construction and change the way buildings are designed and manufactured

The Construction Innovation Hub’s network of delivery partners will be critical to the success of the Hub’s wider programme to transform UK construction and deliver better outcomes for the sector, the environment and wider society.

Announcing the new partnership, Construction Innovation Hub programme director, Keith Waller, said: “I’m really excited by the opportunities that this new partnership with Buildoffsite will create for our programme, which is now a year off the ground.

“Government has already declared a preference to move towards offsite for critical buildings like schools and hospitals and a central part of our mission as the Construction Innovation Hub is to help Government turn this ambition into a reality. This will deliver positive outcomes not just for Government and the sector, but importantly, for wider society as well.

“But as we’ve said before, we cannot do this any of this alone. We really need all the key players with us on this journey. Having established itself as the authoritative voice of the offsite sector, Buildoffsite is undoubtedly one of the most critical players in construction today and we’re delighted to have them on board.”


Buildoffsite business manager, Joe Dyde, added: “Buildoffsite is delighted to have been invited to partner with the Construction Innovation Hub and to be in a position to formally support the Hub’s programme to transform the way that UK construction projects are designed, delivered and perform in use to the benefit of the UK as a whole.

“It is only once in a generation that such a substantial opportunity to make a really big difference to the way the industry works comes along. By pooling Buildoffsite resources, and the knowledge and success of our diverse membership, with those of the other delivery partners we will be best placed to ensure that the ambitions for the Hub are delivered and the confidence and commitment of Government and the industry at large are followed through.”

Buildoffsite joins Constructing Excellence and the Construction Scotland Innovation Centre (CSIC) as one of the Hub’s formal delivery partners.

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