National flood map offers predictive flood scenarios across the UK


In partnership with flood modelling experts, Ambiental Risk Analytics and gas network Wales & West Utilities, Landmark Information Group have launched Great Britain’s first national flood map, which incorporates current and future predictive flood scenarios for the 2020s, 2050s and 2080s

National flood map, FloodFuturesTM provides asset managers, infrastructure owners, local authorities, landowners, their advisers and reporting organisations with the ability to understand future flood risks on existing assets and infrastructure, and create a plan to adapt in a phased, responsible and appropriate manner, removing the need to create manual estimations.

The Wales & West Utilities initiative developed into a collaborative innovation project with Landmark and Ambiental. Wales & West Utilities is the first utility in the UK to use the data as part of its UK Climate Change Adaptation Risk Assessment, Reporting and Investment requirements, as per the government’s Climate Change Adaptation Reporting guidelines.

The dataset incorporates the latest river flow, rainfall, sea-level rise and UKCP09, and allows the creation of unique, innovative new layers, providing insight into flood hazards and the resulting impacts on property, riverbanks, transport networks and bridges.

How flood risk and river erosion is predicted

Using the service, Wales & West Utilities can assess how flood risk and river erosion is predicted to vary locally and regionally at different time periods and under different emissions scenarios – and the impact that could have on the gas network where pipes may be exposed by riverbed and bank erosion. This will allow the company, which serves 7.5m people across Wales and the south west of England, to invest to protect the network earlier and at a lower cost. The programme to develop these mapping layers started during Wales & West Utilities’ response to Defra’s first round of Climate Change Adaptation reporting in 2011.

Oliver Lancaster, Future of Energy project manager for Wales & West Utilities, said: “Being able to analyse future flood scenarios is hugely beneficial for us, so we can determine the impact of climate change on our gas network and the services we deliver to our customers.”

Improved planning and risk mitigation

Dr Justin Butler, CEO of Ambiental, said: “The potential for improved planning, risk mitigation and adaptation as a result of this launch is considerable. Today, hazards resulting from the weather play a fundamental part of many businesses, particularly for utilities companies, who face risk to supply and transportation from droughts and floods. In a changing climate, however, existing systems and practices may not be adequate and it is important to take action using intelligence that can be relied upon to make informed decisions.”

If you are interested in the FloodFuturesTM data or want to find out more about how we can help you identify and assess the risk of climate change on your portfolios or assets, please get in touch.



Chris Loaring

Managing Director

Landmark Information Group

Tel: 0330 036 6115

Twitter: @landmarkuk


Please note: this is a commercial profile.

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