CIOB calls on construction to donate personal protective equipment

personal protective equipment,
© Kemaltaner

The construction industry should donate their personal protective equipment to local healthcare communities, says the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB)

The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) is calling on the construction industry to donate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to their local healthcare communities amid international shortages for healthcare professionals in the fight against coronavirus.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends that healthcare workers providing treatment to COVID-19 patients wear a medical mask, gown, gloves and eye protection, but there is an international shortage of PPE, particularly masks and respirators.

The UK government has already appealed to the automotive industry to divert resources and begin manufacturing respirators, while in Europe, luxury goods firms have begun producing surgical masks. In the US, contractors are beginning to donate respiratory masks, with professions such as dentistry also donating supplies.

Caroline Gumble, CEO of the CIOB, said: “As some construction sites temporarily close their doors around the world and adapt the way that they’re working, many items of personal protective equipment are becoming available.

“With healthcare providers experiencing an international shortage in such crucial times, this is an opportunity for the industry to step up and do their part.

“I know that many CIOB members are already doing this and that, as a community, they are always willing to collaborate, act responsibility and support their wider communities.”

The CIOB has been working closely with many other industry bodies, including the Construction Leadership Council and Build UK, to offer advice during the coronavirus crisis.

NHS Hospitals

NHS Hospitals have made the following request for supplies from industry to support their fight against Covid-19:

  • FFP3 masks
  • Full face visors (transparent and either disposable or reusable)
  • Safety goggles and glasses
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Hazmat/full bodysuits.

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