The rise of BIM in the UK


Construction software company, Viewpoint takes a look at some of the key takeaways from NBS’ 2020 annual BIM report

2020 marked the 10th year of the annual BIM Report produced by NBS — a technology platform that combines content and connectivity for anyone involved in the design, supply and construction of the built environment.

The BIM report provides a comprehensive overview of the current situation in the BIM market based on the responses of 1,000 industry professionals surveyed and compared year-on-year statistics over the last decade.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the report:

BIM gaining momentum

What is BIM? BIM is an acronym for Building Information Modelling. It is a highly collaborative process that allows multiple stakeholders and AEC (architecture, engineering, construction) professionals to collaborate on the planning, design and construction of a building within one 3D model. Data from the buildings is made available to stakeholders allowing them to make informed decisions.

Despite the apparent benefits, the adoption of BIM is not universal. But there has been a significant rise in usage over the past decade. The 2020 BIM Report shows BIM adoption has risen to the highest level to date with 73% reporting they are currently aware and using BIM. This has significantly increased from 2011 where only 13% were using and 43% were completely unaware of BIM compared with 1% in 2020.

Following 2016 BIM adoption seemed to gather momentum as the UK Government mandated that all public sector construction projects complied with BIM Level 2. BIM Level 2 focuses on the collaborative environment. It requires all project and asset information, documentation and data to be electronic, which supports efficient delivery at the design and construction phases of the project. Although the momentum of BIM users may appear to have stalled slightly over the last two years, of the 27% not using BIM, 72% suggest they will use it for projects within the next five years.

Why use BIM?

BIM has the capacity to transform and enhance performance by decreasing inefficiencies, improving productivity and increasing collaboration among project stakeholders. The majority of BIM users would agree with the previous statement as 71% state BIM has made them more productive. In the 2020 BIM Report other key improvements that those surveyed noted were; increased coordination of construction documents and a reduction in problems arising on projects.

Getting up to speed with using BIM may seem daunting at first with 48% of people identifying lack of training as the main barrier to using BIM, which may explain why 29% of people suggested they didn’t experience increases in productivity. Like with many things, if you do not receive adequate training then you may never unlock the full potential. The training journey can be made simple. Viewpoint’s Professional Services team provides full onboarding to all customers to make the transition into using BIM technology as seamless as possible. Customers also receive check-ins with the team to make sure their solutions are working for them to help achieve their goals. Consultancy can be requested at any time to enhance product knowledge during your journey with Viewpoint.

Of people involved with BIM, 67% reported they used common data environments in the last 12 months. Out of that group, when asked which project extranets or common data environments they use; Viewpoint came out on top with 50% of respondents using the software. Viewpoint’s common data environment product — Viewpoint For Projects — is a cloud-based document and information management solution which enables customers to share, control and collaborate on project documents with dispersed projects teams.

You can access a VFP demo here or get in touch at

You can access the full ‘2020 BIM Report’ by NBS here.


Darren Graham

Marketing manager


Twitter: @viewpointcsuk

LinkedIn: Viewpoint

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