Vectorworks launches 2022 BIM and CAD product line


Design and BIM software provider Vectorworks, Inc. has released the 2022 version of its BIM and CAD product line

Vectorworks’ latest BIM and CAD product line emphasises product quality improvements, superior performance and the user experience.

Vectorworks 2022 includes Vectorworks Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, Fundamentals, Braceworks, ConnectCAD and Vision.

In addition, Vectorworks has revealed its solution for designers working within multiple industries has been renamed to accurately reflect its full range of design and BIM capabilities. Vectorworks Design Suite, formerly Vectorworks Designer, offers all the up-to-date features of Vectorworks Fundamentals, Architect, Landmark and Spotlight, providing the entire suite of technology in one interface.

‘Purpose-built, design-focused products’

“Vectorworks 2022 is an invitation to embrace the exceptional flexibility and interoperability that is expected of our purpose-built, design-focused products,” said Vectorworks CEO Dr Biplab Sarkar.

“When you dive into all the advances in the product line, you can see how we are constantly investing in developments that deliver workflow freedom to designers and creators throughout the architecture, landscape, interiors and entertainment design industries.”

The Vectorworks 2022 BIM and CAD product line includes improvements focused on next-gen tech, 3D and BIM workflows, interoperability, landscapes and GIS and entertainment design workflows.

Next-Gen Tech

With Vectorworks 2022, the main areas of development in core technologies and interfaces make Vectorworks products faster and more intuitive, while also providing the stability and accuracy required for maximum efficiency.

Vectorworks is the first major BIM application to run natively on Apple silicon processors. Testing of Vectorworks 2022 has shown speed increases of two to four times.

Additional improvements in this area include full use of Metal on Mac and DirectX on Windows in the Vectorworks Graphics Module, Maxon’s Redshift Render Mode and a new Direct Link to Twinmotion. Plus, a redesign of the attribute and snapping palettes and new per-face texture mapping support an intuitive process for creating and visualizing designs.

3D and BIM workflows

Vectorworks continues to provide design-focused tools for BIM workflows that work for all designers. Direct editing improvements to the stair tool help simplify the process of designing complex objects. Updates to the worksheet database and data manager provide a consistent interface, better visual cues, a new search mode and an improved formula bar with a new set of functions to help make generating targeted reports, schedules and material take-offs easy.

With a focus on re-engineering and the modernisation of core architectural objects like wall components and data reporting to support the creation of accurate BIM models, Vectorworks 2022 offers improvements to your workflow for greater precision, control and accuracy for both the visual model and the corresponding data.


Vectorworks takes pride in being a design hub and continues to invest in optimizing the most-used file formats, supporting value-added partner products and ensuring that project teams and BIM collaboration remain unrivalled.

Version 2022 includes improvements to the DWG file import to support Civil 3D, DWG and GIS georeferencing.

Additionally, IFC import/export capabilities are enhanced for improved quantity take-offs and GIS workflows.

Landscape and GIS

As the BIM platform of choice for landscape architecture, Vectorworks Landmark 2022 delivers more options for accurate modeling reflective of real-life design considerations.

Improvements to the site model make it easier to define and report on soil layers. Updates to the plant tool, hardscape objects, and integrations with Esri make it easier to produce landscape BIM models that leverage GIS workflows while meeting the demand to create sustainable sites.


Our commitment to users in the entertainment industry is to invest first and foremost in re-engineering for better file performance and to provide highly responsive tools.

Version 2022 of Vectorworks Spotlight, Braceworks, ConnectCAD and Vision has greater consistency between tools and functionality focused on simplifying processes such as cable and power planning to make your overall workflow efficient.

This latest release also delivers many usability enhancements such as better controls on the camera tool, a position name field for truss and context menus for shifting data around. Improved placement and direct editing of objects in Schematic Views makes day-to-day documentation work in Vectorworks Spotlight faster and more intuitive.

To learn more about the latest release, visit or join the conversation on social media with #Vectorworks2022.

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