UK BIM Alliance publishes initial ISO 19650 guidance


The UK BIM Alliance with BSI and CDBB is developing guidance to support individuals and organisations in the UK to understand the fundamental principles of BIM according to ISO 19650 Parts 1 and 2

The ISO 19650 series is being developed over time and these first two parts succeed BS 1192:2007 and PAS 1192-2:2013.

The guidance available to date is in two parts:

Guidance Part 1: Concepts (Second Edition)

The Concepts Guidance first released in April and updated in July 2019 is brief and high level and is aimed at a broad audience. It explores the general requirements of the ISO 19650 series alongside the case for building information modelling and digital transformation.

Download Guidance Part 1: Concepts (Second Edition) here.

Guidance Part 2: Processes for Project Delivery (First Edition)

The Processes for Project Delivery Guidance is an evolving resource. It will be subject to quarterly updates as we explore the requirements of ISO 19650-2 in increasing detail.

This 1st Edition focuses on providing guidance for the different parties that are mentioned throughout ISO 19650 – the Appointing Party, the Lead Appointed Party and the Appointed Party. It identifies key activities and outputs for each party, what should be documented in appointments/contracts (in terms of information activities/deliverables) and what clauses within ISO 19650-2 are particularly relevant to each party. A Process summary sets out all the clauses and shows the interaction and responsibilities of the parties.

It is relevant to anyone who might be involved in a project team– client, consultants, contractors, specialists etc.

Download Guidance Part 2: Processes for Project Delivery here.

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