Man and Machine supports buildingSMART programme


Man and Machine has revealed its support for the Buildingsmart Professional Certification programme and will provide approved training through its established BIM Ready courses

buildingSMART Professional Certification is an international initiative that has been developed by divisions in Europe, Asia and the US and is expected to be adopted across the globe. buildingSMART will bring clarity and consensus in the definition and application of openBIM principles and provide a global benchmark for openBIM training and competency assessment.

buildingSMART CEO, Richard Petrie, said: “It will provide a stable reference point for professionals working in the field of Building Information Modelling.

“It will also assist employers in recruiting BIM professionals as well as providing transparency for project developers in procuring BIM competent consulting or contracting firms.”

Mark Baldwin, Head of BIM Management at Man and Machine Switzerland, added: “It is important to emphasise that buildingSMART will not be delivering training itself.

“The programme exists to support and accredit trainings organisations, like Man and Machine, to deliver approved courses.”

buildingSMART will also provide an online qualification exam for individuals who have attended approved courses.

Man and Machine is playing an active role in the programmes development. Supporting Mark Baldwin’s leadership role, Sarah Evered, Operations Manager at Man and Machine UK, is the programme administrator. Man and Machine AEC Director Rainer Sailer is on the international advisory panel and is part of the workgroup implementing the programme in Germany. “As a member of buildingSMART International, we recognise the importance of promoting openBIM standards”, said Rainer Sailer.

Phil Read, UK Managing Director at Man and Machine UK concluded: “We look forward to having our course participants recognised with this buildingSMART qualification.”

The first phase of the programme, called ‘Individual Qualification’, was pre-launched in June 2017. Man and Machine expect to have their first course approved by late 2017.

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