Why you should not be confused about utilising BIM Level 2


Utilising BIM Level 2 might seem like a minefield but there are many benefits, says John Eynon, Joint Chair of BIM Regions UK and BIM Regions South East

If you’re wondering about BIM, what it is and whether to get involved, then if you’ve seen some of the headlines recently, I could understand if you were confused about where the industry is going.

Just check out these recent headlines:

“A year after the BIM Mandate.”

A year ago today BIM level 2 was mandated for all public projects, what’s changed since and what’s next for our digital futures? – Mark Bew head of UK BIM talks about Level 3 and beyond and our digital future.

“Fosters: ‘Entire buildings to be 3D-printed in the future’.”

Foster & Partners has predicted that the evolution of digitally-controlled fabrication techniques will lead to entire buildings being constructed from bespoke 3D-printed parts in the years to come.

–              Both from Building

 “Six tech trends that will shape design for contractors.”

Dominic Thasarathar of Autodesk talks about technologies shaping the future of construction.

“BIM needs reboot after stagnation of ‘lost year’.”

Denise Chevin writes about current perceived lack of progress of BIM in the UK.

–              Both from Construction Manager

 “Housing needs Level 3 to succeed in the BIM revolution.”

Nigel Walley is discussing the housing industry’s use of BIM.

–              From BIM+

So if you’re confused, that’s totally understandable. However, that is no reason to kick this into the long grass or put BIM in the ‘too difficult pile’.

If you ignore BIM right now, you are ignoring the single biggest potential threat to your business or the greatest obstacle in your career progression.

Why? Why do I say this?

For a few reasons. Firstly, because like it or not, this will be the way we work as an industry within a few years across the board. Many businesses are already accessing increased efficiencies, reduced risk and waste, improved use of resources, staff, time and increased profitability – not to mention the increased competitive edge to win more work.

And secondly and probably even more important, digital is just our way of life now. We’ve seen this all around us in the way we do business, live, socialise, play, manufacture and sell, so it‘s only natural that design and construction and the whole built environment follow suit. And don’t forget the concept of the Internet of Things, the Internet of Everything, smart buildings and smart cities. The technologies that support all of this exist right now and are being used as you’re reading this – this stuff is our reality and existence now. Life has changed forever, there is a torrent of digital transformation heading our way, and your choice is simply to surf or sink!

Of course, depending on who you are, what you do, and where you fit in the industry, this can be a relatively simple exercise or something longer and more involved. There isn’t necessarily a one size fits all solution here as it will depend on your organisation, objectives and processes.

However, the biggest mistake you can make is to put BIM to one side as the digital revolution is here, it’s unavoidable, inevitable and we all need to get on board.

Here are some free resources that can get you started:

UK BIM Alliance – http://www.ukbimalliance.org

BIM Regions UK – http://bimregions.co.uk

BIM Level 2 – http://bim-level2.org/en/

The BIM Delivery Cube – http://www.ciria.org/bim/cube.aspx

Modernise or Die – http://www.constructionleadershipcouncil.co.uk/news/farmerreport/


John Eynon

Joint Chair of BIM Regions UK and the BIM Regions South East

Tel: 07702 126 362






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