The construction industry needs to embrace a culture shift if it is to keep up with digital changes in the sector…
There is no doubt the construction sector is becoming increasingly digitalised. Building information modelling (BIM) has paved the way for great advances in the sector, allowing data sharing, greater efficiency, and less wastage.
On the 4 April, a government mandate that all public sector projects must use contractors that are BIM Level 2 compliant came into force. It is the first major step on the road to the government’s Construction 2025 strategy, aimed at ensuring the sector is more technologically developed.
However, while there have been numerous positive stories about firms becoming BIM compliant, it is not simply about ticking boxes or jumping through the right hoops. The culture within construction needs to change to fully embrace technology as a key component of planning, designing, and building.
Pete Watson, the CEO of Atlas Cloud, a firm that deals in 3D virtualisation, warned a shift in thinking is the only way the sector can survive into the future.
He said: “The sector needs to embrace a culture shift in the way they work. The BIM journey is about future-proofing the sector via centralisation of people, processes and technology.
“Traditionally, BIM data resides on users’ workstations, making it difficult to secure and share with other collaborators in real time. Accessing BIM in the field to make a simple edit or analyse a change in real time is therefore impossible.
“This presents a challenge in a sector where 90 per cent of the building and construction workforce is project-based and out on site.
“BIM files shared across design centres are not efficient, nor do they support real-time collaboration. Not only does this erode efficiency and push up costs, but it can also increase the risk of litigation challenges to a project.
“Remote access cloud technologies are about enabling project teams to beat these challenges. We’re bringing the tools together in a virtual way and then integrating the data so that everybody is working in a standard way and has all the information they need at their fingertips.”

Atlas Cloud uses a bespoke system called Virtual Project Office. This allows real time sharing of data, as well as the ability to deliver complex applications over Citrix. Cloud computing is already a significant part of many sectors, featuring heavily in day-to-day activities for many businesses. For construction it offers a streamlined process. Applications such as Virtual Project Office, which allows remote access for all team members, will undoubtedly be a major component of the construction sector in the future.
Watson added: “Cloud based software allows the site worker, the home worker, the worker on the move, and the worker at the international office to connect to a virtual workspace from everywhere. It’s a strategic fit with the very nature of the work of the construction industry, where collaboration and communication are key.
“IT was once a central overhead for construction companies. But embracing cloud connectivity could allow firms to save money, working on cost-per-user basis, dependant on the number of people working on a project.
“Through our work with large construction clients and central government we’re increasingly seeing big projects work with their tier one suppliers so they can drive adoption quicker. The cloud allows that, as it is a major way of bringing the tools together.
“With same day deployment on new projects and real time design and development, our clients are reporting increases in productivity and fee income as project teams are able to be more productive with less resource.
“It’s about mobility, security and a standardised way of working, with scalable deployment that’s cost effective. It allows a project team to control versions, future-proofing for the next stage of development.”
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