The latest BIM4EDUCATION news from PBC Today and the UK digital construction sector.

Investing in the BIM education of experts. Is it worth it?

Investing in the BIM education of experts. Is it worth it?

Investing in the BIM education of experts is an obstacle that the construction industry needs to overcome to start using BIM properly, says Lars Fredenlund

Level 3 BIM and cost management

Alan Muse, Director of Built Environment Professional Groups at the RICS considers how Level 3 BIM will impact on cost management and the wider construction industry On construction projects, cost is a function of change. However, the cost implications of change need to be assessed from many stakeholders and inputs...
BIM and building performance

BIM and building performance

Andera Al Saudi, Business Director for The BIM Hub explains how BIM provides for the accurate evaluation of design alternatives in the event of any changes that may impact the overall performance of the building One of the main purposes of building information modelling (BIM) is to serve as the...
Quality assured: the impact of the NBS BIM Object Standard

Quality assured: the impact of the NBS BIM Object Standard

Ian Chapman, Director of the National BIM Library, NBS sheds light on the demand, growth and benefits of BIM objects in the construction industry It’s hard to believe that in less than one year from now the UK will have passed its 2016 BIM mandate deadline. A lot has changed over...
The role of the Internet of Things in achieving a Digital Built Britain

The role of the Internet of Things in achieving a Digital Built Britain

Justin Anderson, CEO of Flexeye, talks about the vital role of the Internet of Things, including the HyperCat standard, in delivering the vision and benefits set out in the UK’s Digital Built Britain strategy The public and private sector initiative to create a Digital Built Britain has the potential to...
BIM and archaeology – a natural fit

BIM and archaeology – a natural fit

MOLA’s Senior Consultant Sophie Jackson, describes three very different applications of BIM: for archaeological interpretation, predictive modelling and heritage management BIM and archaeology might seem unexpected partners; BIM encapsulates the bright new future of data management, which will help us to design, build and manage our environment more effectively. So...

Delivering on the BIM mandate

In an interview with Lisa Carnwell, Editor of BIM Today, David Philp, industry sector BIM ambassador, discusses the UK’s BIM journey and his latest role with the Scottish Futures Trust Anyone aware of BIM will know who David Philp is, but for any newcomer to the idea of digitising construction...

Landing good asset management

Karen Alford, BIM Project Executive at the Environment Agency outlines how the Government Soft Landings approach will deliver good asset management Along with BIM, the Government Construction Strategy 2011 mandated Government Soft Landings (GSL) to be considered within projects from 2016. Many new or refurbished assets fail to realise the...
Building the case for BIM

Building the case for BIM

Duncan Reed, Digital Construction Process Manager at Tekla (UK) Ltd, discusses the benefits of adopting BIM software modelling for planning and building control decision making I suspect that by now, as we approach the milestone of 2016, you can’t fail to have heard about Building Information Modelling (BIM); the myriad...
We need to talk about BIM

We need to talk about BIM

Nick Nisbet, Director at AEC3 Ltd and Technical Coordinator for buildingSMART wants us to be clear-headed when talking about BIM I’m reliably informed that if you take enough psychedelic drugs, the whole world around you merges into a wonderful tapestry of luminous colours and textures. As when browsing impressionist paintings...
The NBS National BIM Survey results

The NBS National BIM Survey results

Richard Waterhouse, Chief Executive at NBS and RIBA Enterprises, analyses the results of the fifth annual NBS National BIM Survey The fifth annual NBS National BIM Survey has turned out to be one of the most intriguing yet. The UK construction industry has emerged from its longest recession in living...
Are you BIM ready? What to ask of your business

Are you BIM ready? What to ask of your business

In part 1 of a series of articles, NBS asks if you are BIM ready, and outline what your business needs to do before 2016 The UK Government has mandated that all centrally-funded work is to be undertaken using BIM by 2016. This is now less than 12 months away,...
Surviving the BIM revolution

Surviving the BIM revolution

Karen Alford, BIM Project Executive at the Environment Agency discusses how industry can adapt to the BIM revolution by utilising the standards and data currently available I recently read one of Charles Darwin’s quotations from 1809; “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent...
The government is a driving force behind BIM

The government is a driving force behind BIM

A new survey has revealed the government is a major driving force behind the adoption of Building Information Modelling Building Information Modelling (BIM) has continued to grow over the last few years, and is seen as a way of reducing costs, time, and carbon emissions during the construction process. While...
BIM: A view from the coalface

BIM: A view from the coalface

Terry Gough, BIM champion at Kent County Council outlines the challenges faced as a Client attempting to implement BIM technology, along with the challenges faced by working practices both in-house and with the supply chain This article is intended to help anyone embarking on a BIM journey by describing what...
The BIM Delivery Cube

The BIM Delivery Cube

Tim Cole, Executive Vice President, Research & Development at Causeway and Bill Healy, Chair of the BIM Technology Alliance explains how the BIM Delivery Cube will support industry adoption of BIM, and why it was developed To unlock the potential of BIM we need to consider the questions that BIM adopters...
Government Soft Landings within the BIM environment

Government Soft Landings in the BIM environment

Sarah Birchall, Sustainability Engineer with the research and consultancy organisation BSRIA Ltd, describes what is required by Government Soft Landings The word BIM is everywhere at the moment, and every now and then Government Soft Landings (GSL) is also mentioned in the same sentence, but there is still some confusion...
BIM can aid collaboration

MACE details how BIM can aid collaboration

Collaboration is a key element in the successful execution of a BIM project and can help to share information across teams. David Philp, Head of BIM at Mace and the UK BIM Task Group details how BIM can aid collaboration.

Educating BIM: Changing the face of construction

The key to the success in transforming the construction industry to operate at Level 2 BIM by 2016 now lies very much with education and training providers.
Legal considerations of BIM Level 2

Legal considerations of BIM Level 2

Understanding the contractual framework for the implementation of BIM is an important first step to removing any ‘blockers’ to successful BIM construction projects. Andrew Marsh, Partner at DAC Beachcroft LLP provides an overview of the legal considerations In 2013 the government launched its Construction 2025 Industry Strategy to provide a...