Approved Document B survey launched by the Fire Sector Federation


A new survey has been developed that will help shape the future of Approved Document B and improve fire safety

The Fire Sector Federation (FSF) has created a new survey that will aid with shaping Approved Document B.

The survey, which was developed by NBS Research on the federation’s behalf, looks at the fire and construction industries’ views about Approved Document B.

Fire safety

Approved Document B, which focuses on issues surrounding fire safety, was commissioned in March this year but its release comes at a poignant time. The controversy surrounding the Grenfell Tower fire will undoubtedly shape the future of building regulations, so this survey could be of particular use to the sector by providing much needed feedback.

Developed in accordance with the Market Research Society Code of Conduct, the survey will also be supported by a 12-person strong Steering Group.


The NBS and the FSF will use the findings of the survey as the basis of a submission to the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). This will be used to help those responsible for making sure Building Regulations and Approved Document B are effective.

The survey will run until August 2017. To participate visit the survey page.


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