Compliance in the Built Environment


There have been a number of terrible events recently that demonstrate the importance of good governance and compliance in the built environment. Unfortunately, events such as the Edinburgh Schools wall collapsing and subsequent closure of other schools in the area to the Grenfell Towers disaster, highlight the serious consequences when there’s a failure to do the correct quality checks and inadequate record-keeping by owner-operator

But how can those organisations that are not only responsible for the construction but also those operating and maintaining built assets, keep up to date as legislation changes, and manage change.

This Insight Paper from GroupBC discusses 3 key areas often referred to as GRC – Governance, Risk Management and Compliance – all of which share a reliance on people, processes and technologies and so need to be aligned if organisations are to manage all three efficiently.

For all asset owner-operators in the built environment, compliance is vital; as we’ve seen it can literally be a matter of life or death. Infrastructure assets have to work reliably to maintain transport links or to deliver utility services efficiently and safely to customers; buildings need to meet minimum standards and to be safe and healthy for their occupants; and construction-related works need to be carried out without endangering the health, safety and wellbeing of workers and others.

Accordingly, owner-operators and the built assets they create, manage and maintain to support their businesses – and the companies, people, processes and technologies they employ to do so – are subject to extensive regulation. For, if something goes wrong, they will often be the ones held civilly and criminally responsible for any failures to comply with legal or industry requirements.


This Insight Paper focuses on the various types of compliance from planning and operational process assurance to contractual and Building regulations compliance and how GroupBC can help you demonstrate the required standards across each.

Download your free industry insight paper: Compliance in the Built Environment.


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