Police Crime Prevention Academy: A new generation of crime prevention qualifications

crime prevention initiatives

September 2018 marks the launch and delivery of the first externally accredited crime prevention learning and development programme for more than 50 years

It comes just a year after Police Crime Prevention Initiatives, which trades as Secured by Design, took over the running of crime prevention courses from the College of Policing. The courses are for roles within the Police Service and other organisations, such as local authorities, that are involved in the local delivery of designing out crime, crime prevention and community safety.

A new generation of accredited and portable learning and development qualifications in crime prevention and designing out crime have been launched. The new qualifications are available from September 2018.

The suite of externally accredited qualifications are being provided by the UK’s first-ever Police Crime Prevention Academy. The academy has been created by Police Crime Prevention Initiatives for those in policing and other organisations that have an interest in, and are involved in, making local communities safer.

The Police Crime Prevention Academy has become an Approved Centre for the awarding body, Proqual, and is able to deliver Ofqual-regulated qualifications.


The qualifications will provide structured learning opportunities for roles within the Police Service and they are appropriate for other public organisations that have a statutory duty around crime and disorder reduction. These organisations include local authority departments, Community Safety Partnerships, Fire & Rescue, health and probation services.

The qualifications are also available and relevant to private sector businesses, such as security staff and managers, retail staff, architects, design students and many others.

In July 2017, Police Crime Prevention Initiatives took responsibility from the College of Policing for the running of crime prevention and designing out crime courses in the UK.

The launch of the first qualifications marks a huge milestone because it represents the first-ever externally accredited crime prevention learning programme. The first learning event, a Level 4 Certificate, is available from 3-14 September 2018. A Level 5 Diploma in Crime Prevention – Designing Out Crime, is scheduled for 29 October 2018.

Guy Collyer, Head of Learning and Development, Police Crime Prevention Initiatives, said: “The new courses mean there is a new learning and development pathway available which is in tune with current academic thinking.

“Employers are increasingly only willing to invest in learning and development that provides a formally recognised and portable qualification for those attending and which also adds value for the organisation.”

Four qualifications will initially be provided by the academy, providing Continuing Professional Development opportunities and additional skills for a range of organisations.

The courses are available throughout the year and can be delivered locally if required.

The courses, content and target audiences are listed as follows:

Level 5: Diploma in Crime Prevention – Designing Out Crime

Duration: 10 days, plus completion of a preliminary and post-learning assessment work.

Course content: Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles and practice; understanding the planning process, laws and procedures; roles involved in the planning and design process; analysis of the built environment products, their standards and use; evaluation of the key elements that prevent and promote crime opportunities; and making effective recommendations for changes to the built or planned environment.

Relevant for: Experienced Designing Out Crime Officers, or others in the Police Service, who have the same specialisms as for Level 4. This level provides the most advanced learning for other organisations, such as local authority planners, architects and designers.

Level 4: Certificate in Crime Prevention for Practitioners

Duration: 10 days, plus completion of a preliminary and post-learning assessment work.

Course content: Situation crime awareness, offender behaviour and identification of vulnerable victims; applying crime prevention tools and techniques; implementing a multi-agency structured problem-solving approach; understanding security product standards and application; security site surveying, reporting procedures and cost planning; and action planning for crime reduction and prevention projects.

Relevant for: Police roles, such as Crime Prevention Officers or similar, who have crime prevention, harm reduction or vulnerable victim protection as their specialism, local authorities, security and safety specialists and Community Safety Partnerships.

Level 3: Award in Introduction to Crime Prevention

Duration: Three days, plus completion of an assessment workbook.

Course content: Crime science; benefits of crime prevention; problem-solving; security products; and basic site security surveying skills.

Relevant for: Police, such as Police Community Support Officers and Neighbourhood Policing Teams who give basic crime prevention advice. It may also benefit senior officers who have little working knowledge of crime prevention, other partner agencies, small businesses and those involved in making their local communities safer.

Police Crime Prevention Initiatives will be offering the following Award as a standalone accredited and portable qualification:

Level 2: Award in the PREVENT and Safeguarding Strategies For Radicalisation Awareness:

Duration: This is a distance-learning course plus completion of workbook.

Course content: The aim of the PREVENT Strategy; the roles and responsibilities of adults in relation to the safeguarding of children and young people; understanding the factors that influence vulnerability to radicalisation; being able to recognise the signs of radicalisation; understanding the role that social media plays in radicalisation.

Relevant for: All organisations that have a responsibility to help safeguard young people and help prevent their radicalisation.

For Safeguarding Children and Young People:

Duration: This is a distance-learning course plus completion of workbook.

Course content: Understanding individual responsibilities regarding the safeguarding of children and young people; being able to recognise indicators of abuse; understanding the effect of cyber-crime/online bullying on children and young people; understanding the process of the disclosing of safeguarding issues; understanding how to reduce the risk of cyber-crime/online bullying.

Relevant for: All organisations that have a responsibility to help safeguard young people and help prevent their radicalisation.

To register for these new qualifications contact: training@police-cpi.co.uk.


  • Level 5: Diploma in Crime Prevention – Designing Out Crime

Duration: 10 days, plus completion of a preliminary and post-learning assessment work.

  • Level 4: Certificate in Crime Prevention for Practitioners

Duration: 10 days, plus completion of a preliminary and post-learning assessment work.

  • Level 3: Award in Introduction to Crime Prevention

Duration: Three days, plus completion of an assessment workbook.

  • Level 2: Award in the PREVENT and Safeguarding Strategies For Radicalisation

Duration: This is a distance-learning course plus completion of workbook.



Secured by Design

Tel: 0203 8623 999




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