A first for fire safety – the Welsh message


NHBC outline the new regulations on fire safety in Wales, making it the first country in the world to require the installation of an automatic fire suppression system for all new houses and flats…

In October 2013 The National Assembly for Wales passed new regulations to apply the Domestic Fire Safety (Wales) Measure 2011. The Welsh Government put into operation the first stage of this legislation on the 30th of April 2014 which requires the installation of fire sprinklers in certain non-domestic residential premises such as new and converted care homes, children’s residential homes, hospices, halls of residence, boarding houses and certain hostels.

The second stage of this legislation comes into force on the 1st of January 2016 which requires the installation of fire sprinklers in all new houses and flats, including those formed by a material change of use.

This means that Wales will be the first country in the world to require the installation of an automatic fire suppression system in all new houses and flats. The Welsh Government has been funding a number of fire sprinkler installation projects across Wales within the social housing sector prior to the implementation date of January 2016. The project has considered the views of designers, builders, building control bodies and tenants with the aim of making the systems robust, affordable and as effective as possible. This project is collecting valuable data to assist The Welsh Government towards understanding the theoretical and practical application of the legislation.

Requirements for new dwellings

The significant change is that sprinklers will be required in all new homes in Wales from the 1st of January 2016. This requirement is in addition to and not in lieu of the existing requirements of Approved Document B (Fire Safety).

The sprinkler system design, installation and commissioning will need to follow the recommendations and guidance provided in BS 9251:2014 (Fire sprinkler systems for domestic and residential occupancies – Code of practice).

Points to consider:

  • The design, installation and commissioning should be carried out by a competent person.
  • Early engagement with the local water authority to establish the anticipated water pressures for the new dwellings. This information is necessary to assess whether a mains fed or storage based water supply is going to feed the sprinkler system.

The Welsh Government has confirmed that the publication of the new Approved Documents and guidance documents for new home owners on sprinklers will be published shortly.

Transitional arrangements – Sprinklers Wales

The requirement for sprinklers to houses and flats does not apply to building work which is the subject of an initial notice, amendment notice, building notice or full plans submission which is served before 1st January 2016, provided that the work is commenced on site on or before 1st January 2017. ■

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