£248m released to replace unsafe cladding in social sector


The government has released £248m to 12 councils and 31 housing associations for the removal and replacement of unsafe aluminium composite material (ACM) cladding from 135 buildings

The £248m has been released to social sector landlords to fund the removal and replacement of unsafe aluminium composite material (ACM) cladding from high-rise social sector homes.

The funding is the first tranche released from the estimated £400m announced by the Prime Minister earlier this year and will mean that councils and housing associations can make their properties safe without having an impact on their other vital services.

Applications were received for 159 buildings, and 135 of those high-rise buildings have been approved. The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government have requested more information for 12 of the applications and will review these and any others received in December. Twelve applications were not eligible for funding because they didn’t meet the application criteria.

Secretary of state for communities James Brokenshire MP said: “There is nothing more important than ensuring people are safe in their homes and that is why I am pleased the £400m funding has started to be released.”


As this work is ongoing and costs are estimated (and subject to change), 80% of the estimated costs will be provided upfront to ensure work can start with no delay. The work will be closely monitored by the government and the remaining 20% will be paid once work is complete and the final costs are known.

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