StormMeister attends this year’s Birmingham Flood Expo

Birmingham Flood Expo, StormMeister, flood protection,

StormMeister attended this year’s Birmingham Flood Expo, the world’s largest exhibition and conference designed to help the most progressive flood professionals

Like StormMeister, those attending the Birmingham Flood Expo want to discover and display the latest innovations and bring awareness to the increasing need for flood protection in the UK and worldwide.

The exhibition provided the opportunity to network with professionals in the industry. Conversations with Utility companies, government officials and property developers brought awareness to the increased risk of flooding in the UK and the necessity of being prepared for increasingly unpredictable weather conditions.

The opportunity to begin expansion to areas Like Nigeria and Cyprus was also made available to StormMeister during the Birmingham Flood Expo.

A major topic of conversation throughout the exhibition was the increasing need for flood protection due to climate change and how this affects the UK specifically. Thanks to the rate of climate change new infrastructures will need to be able to cope with a large range of changing climate conditions, specifically flooding.


Attending the exhibition this year has put StormMeister in touch with agencies that are able to identify and locate the area’s that are not able to cope with increased levels of rainfall that will lead to flooding.

Effective flood protection is not only required for homeowners but to protect businesses and critical infrastructures, such as transport networks, bridges and energy and water supply systems. Property development on flood plains has increased over recent years, putting more homeowners at risk of flood damage and making the need for flood protection even more necessary.

StormMeister strives to make its affordable flood protection products available to every industry and keep businesses and homes safe from the devastating effects of climate change and flooding.

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