Chris Hall, technical innovation manager at NHBC, looks back at his UK house building career and what to expect in the future as new legislation comes into effect.
Ben Jones and Corinne Evans-Jones have showcased their sustainable home extension using the Actis Hybrid range on YouTube and Instagram with the aim of saving other self-builders the hassle of researching the best way to convert a loft.
The Construction Product Quality Planning (CPQP) framework offers a toolbox of resources to help manufacturers produce new construction products and components in line with best practice quality standards, ensure legal compliance and improve the efficiency of their operations.
A new model insurance fire safety clause for high-rise repairs has been published by the International Underwriting Association (IUA), designed to speed up the removal of unsafe cladding and build insurer confidence in the industry.
LABC roadshow, in East Anglia, offers ‘lite' version of Actis' newly certified Part L CPD module to builders, specifiers, building control officers and architects.
Acoustics should be a non-negotiable consideration for our buildings, says Ben Hancock of Oscar Acoustics. Here he explores how housebuilders can tackle the growing issues of noise in homes.
Zutec, the leading quality management platform and client CDE for housebuilders and developers, has released a customisable digital solution for Part L compliance, which is now available to customers.
Accessibility in new homes in England must achieve the accessibility and adaptability standards set out in Part M4(2), a government consultation has found.
You won’t find it in the terms of a lease, but tenants' and landlords' responsibility around the occupation and use of commercial premises also extends to accessibility.
The Building Safety Act is a welcome recognition that making safe buildings is a highly skilled operation, says Hywel Davies of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers.
The founders of structural defects warranty specialist Advantage Home Construction Insurance (AHCI) have invested in a rebrand and new website launch this summer, following the business’s rapid growth.
As more homeowners turn to make the most of the space they have, it’s important to remain compliant with the amended Part L building regulations. Find out how Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) can support this.
BSRIA launches air quality initiative to raise awareness of contaminants in homes, schools and workplaces, and showcase why indoor air quality in buildings is important.
New BSI standards published this week have set out competence requirements for building safety management, supporting industry reform in tandem with the DLUHC.
Bruton Knowles has secured a place on the £800,000 Citizen 2022 framework (0928) to deliver vital development property valuations over the next four years.
Transport for London (TfL) is trailing a new cooling panel solution on a disused platform at Holborn Station, to test its suitability for reducing Tube Network temperatures.
As the Social Housing Regulation Bill makes its way through parliament, John Doyle of Voicescape says digital transformation can play a valuable role in improving resident and building safety.
As extreme temperatures continue across the country, properties in Britain are not suitable for the UK heatwave. In this article, PBC Today explains how to keep your property cool in hot weather.
A training module devised by insulation specialist Actis which shows how to comply with changes to Part L and prepare for Future Homes Standards has received official certification from the CPD Certification Service.
Despite the extra focus on indoor air quality (IAQ) prompted by the pandemic, lots of people are still talking about making buildings healthier, safer and more efficient but only a few are doing anything about it, says Nathan Wood from the Building Engineering Services Association.
Builders, specifiers, building control officers, and architects attending the virtual LABC roadshow will be offered a sneak preview of Actis' new Part L CPD module.
The government has introduced Part O of the Building Regulations to prevent homes overheating in summer. Anastasia Mylona, head of research at CIBSE, explains what is in the new regulation and why it was needed.
Greater Manchester-based UAP Ltd, a leading manufacturer of door and window hardware, is proud to celebrate 25 years as a member of Secured by Design (SBD), the official police security initiative.