A new poll has revealed doubts over plans to give local authorities more power to oversee the safety of high-rise buildings, following the Grenfell Tower fire.
A Labour Party investigation into fire safety in tall tower blocks has discovered that just 4% of London’s high rise council housing blocks have sprinklers installed.
Martin Lambley, product manager for stormwater at Wavin, explains how the effective use of sustainable urban drainage solutions (SuDS) can support change in the ways we plan, design and build towns and cities.
Dame Judith Hackitt, author of the independent review of Building Regulation and fire safety, has warned that without changes to the regulatory system, another tragedy like the Grenfell Tower fire cannot be ruled out.
The first phase of a new dementia-friendly home on BRE’s Watford Innovation Park, has been completed, having been further developed in partnership by BRE and experts from Loughborough University
Rob McCormack, director of Consultancy, Investigation, Training, discusses the key issues to address to ensure the successful installation of cavity wall insulation
“Basement waterproofing” is the generic name given to using a variety of techniques to prevent water from penetrating into a basement. Having a basement waterproofed correctly will ensure that a damp, dark cellar can be converted into dry, habitable space.
100% Hackitt – an industry initiative to encourage the government to deliver all of the recommendations contained within Dame Judith's report – has been launched by Local Authority Building Control (LABC) and the British Board of Agrément (BBA)
Only 39 of the 457 high-rise buildings around England with similar cladding systems to Grenfell Tower have been made safe, according to records compiled by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)
The Hackitt Review represents an important moment for the construction industry – but do we need to be more critical in how we respond to it and perhaps go further than even Dame Judith suggests? Paul Wilkins of the Association of Consultant Approved Inspectors (ACAI) makes his case
The government has released £248m to 12 councils and 31 housing associations for the removal and replacement of unsafe aluminium composite material (ACM) cladding from 135 buildings
James Gooder, Business Unit Manager at SFS Fall Protection Systems, explains why today’s horizontal safety line systems provide assured roof safety without compromising building performance and aesthetic goals.
As sponsors of Centre for Window and Cladding Technology (CWCT), Premier Guarantee is part of a unique forum that drives forward research and training...
September 2018 marks the launch and delivery of the first externally accredited crime prevention learning and development programme for more than 50 years
"Value engineering" should be driven out of the construction industry as part of the root-and-branch reform of the sector following the Grenfell disaster, Dame Judith Hackitt has said
Greater Manchester-based UAP Ltd, a leading manufacturer of door and window hardware, is proud to celebrate 25 years as a member of Secured by Design (SBD), the official police security initiative.