Whether you’re a consultant, architect, accountant, or engineer, PI insurance protects you from claims related to mistakes, omissions, or negligence in your professional work. But how do you choose the right limit of indemnity for your policy?
The collapse of Alpha in May meant structural warranty policies with the company ended immediately. Advantage offers advice on how to ensure vital cover is maintained
Theresa May has pledged £400m to strip dangerous cladding similar to that used on Grenfell Tower from other high-rise blocks. But Christian Pillai of MAC Construction Consultants argues that a fundamental change in culture is also needed to avoid future tragedies
The Department for Transport has set out its Inclusive Transport Strategy, which aims to improve accessibility across all types of travel for those with both visible and less visible disabilities
After the Grenfell disaster, there has understandably been a crisis of trust, property managers and landlords must learn effective two-way communication
The government has clarified building regulations fire safety guidance, following recommendations made by Dame Judith Hackitt, and is seeking views on the revisions
A new ‘dementia-friendly’ home has been developed jointly by BRE and Loughborough University, aiming to educate housebuilders, carers and relatives on how to better support those living with dementia
Cutting-edge, attractive and even well-intentioned design can make new buildings difficult to navigate for people with disabilities. Ian Streets of About Access examines at some common issues.
Cementaid offer a look into the how the Everdure CALTITE concrete stands the test of time when subjected to the harsh environment of the Fimiston open pit mine in Australia
Groupe Lamotte discusses 5 years use of BatiScript, the intuitive defect management solution for property site management, by Script&Go
Founded in 1955, Groupe Lamotte is a...
The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Excellence in the Built Environment has set out proposals for a New Homes Ombudsman to help provide better redress for dissatisfied home buyers
Drone footage is being used to examine the severity of fire damage to the Glasgow School of Art’s (GSA) Mackintosh building, following a blaze that engulfed the building earlier this month
The ban on combustible materials on the external walls of high-rise residential buildings which are 18 metres takes a step forwards as Housing Secretary, James Brokenshire, publishes a consultation
Dry fix solutions have been around for decades but it is only in recent years that demand for the product has reached sky high. Mark Parsons, Technical Director at Russell Roof Tiles takes a look at why dry fix has seen such significant growth recently within the construction industry
The Glasgow School of Art has been ravaged by another major fire four years after part of the building was destroyed by flames. Restoring the Mackintosh building could cost hundreds of millions of pounds and years of work
Time is running out to book a place on a trade body conference, developed to give the inside scoop on how to tackle excess moisture in property and protect buildings for the long-term
Greater Manchester-based UAP Ltd, a leading manufacturer of door and window hardware, is proud to celebrate 25 years as a member of Secured by Design (SBD), the official police security initiative.