Secured by Design outlines the physical security guidance set out in Part Q and highlights why this is as important as long-established fire regulations
A new and targeted approach of housing retrofits to the UK’s housing stock is needed to allow it to contribute to a cost effective decarbonisation strategy
The growing national demand for inclusive, accessible housing shouldn’t be a niche issue, as argued by Jean Hewitt, Director of the Centre for Accessible Environments.
Domestic air quality is put in the spotlight to deliver better outcomes for consumers – a White Paper by Steve Hodgson, Chief Executive of the Property Care Association
The new British Standards for watermist fire protection systems are explained here by Bob Whiteley, Chairman, FSH18/5 and FIA/BAFSA Water Mist Working Group.
Schools built in Aberdeen through the same Public Private Partnership as the defective buildings in Edinburgh have been deemed structurally safe following an inspection.
Fire safety is an obvious concern, but is the Approved Document B working? Celestine Cheong, Chair of the Built Environment Issues & Affairs Workstream at the Fire Sector Federation explains why it urgently needs reviewing.
The new security requirements introduced in Approved Document Q are explained by Kevin Underwood, Technical Director at the British Woodworking Federation and Wood Window Alliance.
Jean Hewitt, Director of the Centre for Accessible Environments returns to the subject of accessible housing standards and how easy it is to confuse the categories .
John Coles, an architect and procurement expert, will lead the investigation into serious construction problems that shut 17 schools across Edinburgh…
Earlier this year, a...
The Premier Guarantee Technical Team has advice regarding inadequate floor protection to help you understand real life defects and the issues surrounding them...
We all...
Ian Streets discusses support for disabled employees
Adaptability is essential in business, and for employers that obviously extends to how they accommodate and support their staff.
Civil engineers and architects are lobbying to ensure housing legislation will protect homes from flooding…
A number of organisations have joined together to ensure flood...
The private consortium behind the 17 unsafe schools reportedly self-certified the construction, rather than a council inspector…
Last week it came to light that 17...
Paul Wilkins, Chair of the ACAI and Chief Executive at Butler and Young Group, summarises the latest developments and challenges for the building control...
Structural concerns have led to a number of schools across Edinburgh closing over safety fears…
A number of schools across Edinburgh have been closed after...
Greater Manchester-based UAP Ltd, a leading manufacturer of door and window hardware, is proud to celebrate 25 years as a member of Secured by Design (SBD), the official police security initiative.