Two Cheshire Councils have entered a new agreement aimed at streamlining building regulations services…
Cheshire East Council and Staffordshire Moorlands District Council have joined forces...
Ian Streets, of About Access Ltd outlines why designing with access in mind is vital within the construction process...
When it comes to priority parking spaces...
Technology has been proven to help save time and money across many industries, helping companies reach maximum efficiency and service for their customers. However,...
Jean Hewitt, Director of the Centre for Accessible Environments examines the new housing standards and explains how we can achieve accessibility in our housing...
Paul Bennett, registered professional energy consultant with the Energy Institute and Executive Chairman of BSSEC, looks at the technologies available for electric heating and...
Chris Kendall, Digital Strategy Lead at Idox outlines how the new digital platform iApply is bringing benefits to the planning and building control sectors...
Idox, a leading supplier...
BLP Insurance outline the benefits of housing warranty insurance, and why it is important for homeowners...
A structural warranty provides the buyer of a residential...
Self-Build Zone has been awarded a long term contract with the NHBC as the sole supplier of structural warranties…
NHBC has announced a new agreement...
The Department for Communities and Local Government has commissioned NBS Research to explore how the Building Regulations Approved Documents can be made more user-friendly…
Steve Hodgson, Chief Executive of The Property Care Association argues that buildings, irrespective of when they were built and with what, need to find...
Paul Wilkins, Chair of the ACAI details three recent initiatives that can improve the efficiency of what is already an effective and valued building...
Peter Ward, Partner at Heritage Consulting Ltd examines how traditional buildings can still meet warranty conditions after renovations have taken place, along with the...
Adrian Young, Technical Editor, Exova BM TRADA hails the release of TRADA’s new National Structural Timber Specification – providing best practice guidelines for timber...
Whatever your trade or profession, credibility counts.
You wouldn’t place an important legal matter in the hands of a bar room barrister any more than...
Research to improve the resilience of buildings against earthquakes has been tested in Japan on the tallest building to date…
Researchers from the National Research...
A new training scheme has been launched to help housing professionals understand the changes made relating to wheelchair accessible housing standards…
The Centre for Accessible...
Premier Guarantee outline the challenges faced when building conversions are not as simple as once imagined...
Building conversions as we know are often difficult to...
Alistair Redler, Senior Partner at Delva Patman Redler LLP Chartered Surveyors draws attention to the surveyor’s role when matters concerning Rights of Light occur…
The team at SpecifiedBy recently converted the Building Regulations Approved Documents for England & Wales into web format. Founder Darren Lester talks through some...
The fire sector and construction industry have called for changes to fire safety regulations to ensure greater clarity for the sector…
The language used in...
The Concrete Repair Association has released an update to the Standard Method of Measurement for Concrete Repair…
Updated guidance has been published to assist the...
Greater Manchester-based UAP Ltd, a leading manufacturer of door and window hardware, is proud to celebrate 25 years as a member of Secured by Design (SBD), the official police security initiative.