In today’s fast-paced construction environment, staying on top of multiple projects and team collaboration is crucial for success. While Building Information Modelling (BIM) has significantly improved the way projects are designed and managed, challenges can still arise without proper coordination.
With many construction companies still not utilising Building Information Modelling, we review the benefits to businesses and discuss how software vendors can do more to encourage adoption, especially by SMEs.
Russ Dalton, AECOM’s BIM director for the Americas, traces the development of technology behind some high-profile sporting projects, including the Barclays Center and Marlins Ballpark.
NBS and Graphisoft, the BIM software solution provider, have partnered to develop an add-on for Graphisoft ArchiCAD to enable direct linkage with NBS Chorus.
FARO’s As-BuiltTM Modeler enables the almost completely automated extraction of 3D modelled surfaces from point cloud data to optimise workflows – all without expensive new software.
The benefits of taking account of weather and climate data at the design stage of a building project extend through the building lifecycle. It can reduce costs, time, energy and effort throughout the life of your asset.
Lee McDougall, director at architecture and building consultancy practice AHR, outlines why scan-to-BIM technology has been crucial in planning a major redevelopment at the National Portrait Gallery.
Part of the strategy to encourage the adoption of BIM was the publication of standard documents, including the Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) 1192 series of standards, in particular, PAS 1192-2.
Landmark Information has partnered with AccuCities to enable architects, planners and developers to access highly detailed BIM-ready 3D models of different UK locations
Graitec, a global developer of BIM design and calculation software solutions, has announced the acquisition of Geomap GIS America’s Autodesk business unit.
An immersive experience that allows architects, engineers and contractors to explore, touch and annotate 3D BIM models as they ‘walk’ through construction projects will be on display at DCW.