BIM training and new digital learning for the Japanese construction market

The building information modelling (BIM) market in Japan is undergoing significant growth, driven by the region’s  passion for technological advancement in the construction industry

BIM News

The Latest Building Information Modelling News

Nemetschek Group – AEC/O software specialists

Providing software solutions, the Nemetschek Group is a pioneer for digital transformation in the construction industry using Open BIM.

Demystifying digital twins of buildings

Everyone is talking about digital twins. But often there are still prejudices and reservations. Time to debunk some common myths about digital twins, to highlight real-world use cases and to demonstrate how this technology is shaping the future of real estate.

The Latest BIM News

BIM4M2 education –the tools you need

Richard Blakesley, chair of BIM4M2 Education Group and Managing Director of Howitt Consulting, describes how the group works to educate, inform and encourage action to satisfy a BIM journey.

BIM – a digitised construction world

Peter Caplehorn, chair of BSI’s Strategic Committee for Construction and Deputy Chief Executive of the Construction Products Association shares his thoughts on BIM.

Taking ownership of a BIM project

Andera Al Saudi, business director for The BIM Hub examines the role project owners are taking in promoting the use of BIM.

MACE details how BIM can aid collaboration

Collaboration is a key element in the successful execution of a BIM project and can help to share information across teams. David Philp, Head of BIM at Mace and the UK BIM Task Group details how BIM can aid collaboration.

Educating BIM: Changing the face of construction

The key to the success in transforming the construction industry to operate at Level 2 BIM by 2016 now lies very much with education and training providers.

Bringing the simplicity and opportunity of BIM to all

BIM enables us to work together more easily, in a modern digital environment.

Ensuring accurate data for BIM projects

Paul French, commercial market manager at British Gypsum details the importance of ensuring accurate data for BIM projects.

Manufacturing for BIM

Addressing the challenges faced by manufacturers in the BIM process requires that digital product information can be exchanged with supply chain partners. Steve Thompson, chair of BIM4M2 discusses the support and advice available.

BIM: From design to demolition

UWE Bristol launches new MSc in BIM to help meet stricter public construction protocol.

BIM the Crossrail Way

In an interview with Malcolm Taylor, head of technical information at Crossrail Ltd, explains to PBC Today what BIM means to Europe’s largest construction project.

SMEs are key to the UK’s BIM journey

SMEs are key to the UK’s BIM journey, so their uptake is vital to ensure our BIM leadership. David Philp, Head of BIM at...

Legal considerations of BIM Level 2

Understanding the contractual framework for the implementation of BIM is an important first step to removing any ‘blockers’ to successful BIM construction projects. Andrew...

The value of BIM for UK construction

The UK construction industry is making a good start in embracing BIM, providing the opportunity for reform and economic success as global leaders. Peter...

Designers – don’t be scared of BIM

Alex Wall, Managing Director of WCEC Group Ltd discusses the benefits of BIM for SME’s and provides advice for new adopters. Within the world of...

Stepping up to level 2 BIM

Being level 2 BIM compliant will soon be a government project requirement. Mark Eggleton, Managing Director at EaglestoneUK Limited explains that it needn’t be...

BIM – defining better information management

BIM, despite being a small acronym, is a big word in construction. While there has been a lot of hype around BIM over the last...

BIM Level 2: Legal considerations

Understanding the contractual framework for the implementation of BIM is an important first step to removing any ‘blockers’ to successful BIM construction projects. Andrew...

The Leica Geosystems BIM Field Trip

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is about transforming how buildings and infrastructure are designed, constructed and operated. It has the potential to add value across...

Empowering the world’s BIM community

The take up of BIM is growing, and with the help of a specialised online networking service dedicated to the construction industry, engagement should increase. Andera Al Saudi, Business Director for The BIM Hub sheds light on their vision.

BIM and SMEs: Opportunity is knocking

SMEs are key to the UK’s BIM journey, so their uptake is vital to ensure our BIM leadership. David Philp, Head of BIM at Mace and the UK BIM Task Group explains their importance.

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