Studio Tim Fu has revealed the 'world's first' fully AI-driven architectural project in Slovenia, developing six luxury villas on the Lake Bled Estate.
The Disconnect Door Mechanism uses an arrangement between the spindle and the handle that leaves the door locked without the need for exposed ‘pickable’ key locks or levers.
Morgan Sindall is set to launch a new machine learning software platform to provide social housing landlords and tenants with real-time, actionable insights.
Construction product manufacturers need to start sharing data digitally to support a safer and sustainable construction industry, says a new guide released by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).
The Construction Innovation Hub’s focus on innovation is central to the delivery of the Transforming Infrastructure Performance Roadmap to 2030 against a backdrop of an ever-increasing digitalised and technologically advanced built environment, writes impact director David Philp.
According to a new report by Procore Technologies, Inc. and Dodge Data & Analytics, owners and contractors face a variety of challenges when it comes to project cost management, but they believe using one streamlined tool will help facilitate construction projects and cost management more efficiently.
Researchers at the University of Bath are exploring whether the natural properties of bacteria could develop a new type of environmentally friendly plasterboard.
Researchers at the University of Strathclyde, Cardiff University, the University of Naples Federico II and engineering company BAM Ritchies, are exploring the role of fungi in helping to prevent landslips.
Skanska has been working with a consortium of technology companies to develop a prototype robotic platform that can navigate construction sites and carry out pre-programmed activities.
Peter Caplehorn, chief executive of the CPA and Keith Waller, programme director at the CIH, explore how the LEXiCON project will enable a consensus process to help the construction industry on its digitalisation journey.
A new policy paper from the Building Regulations Advisory Committee has set out the definition and principles that will guide the development and implementation of the golden thread of information, a key recommendation of Dame Judith Hackitt’s Building a Safer Future report.
The creation of initial site compounds, working platforms and haul roads can have a huge impact on resources for contractors. Shahid Raza, business and technical manager for geosynthetics at Wrekin Products, discusses how contractors could be benefiting from under-utilised value engineered solutions.
Tarmac has reached a significant landmark in the rollout of new fleet technology after presenting its 10,000th HGV driver with a smart card aimed at improving haulier safety, training, and customer confidence.
Mail Manager, developed by Arup, has announced its new mobile application, offering users the ability to intelligently file and search for business-critical emails via a mobile device.