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Updated housing design app could get London building after Covid-19

The Mayor of London and Bryden Wood have launched an updated version of housing design app, PRiSM 2.0, to help London’s homebuilding strategy.

The impact drone technology may have on the construction industry

Jack Bird from Postage Supermarket discusses how an upcoming technological advancement, drone deliveries, may mix things up for the construction industry. He thinks that the focus is on ‘evolution’ not ‘revolution’ – which has always been the case for the industry, right? 

Winvic secures funding for AI-enabled site safety system

Winvic, UWE Bristol and One Big Circle Consortium have secured funding for AI-enabled software to send personal site risk alerts to teams.

VolkerFitzpatrick trials non-contact facial recognition site access

VolkerFitzpatrick is trialling a 100% non-contact facial recognition site access control system on its Brent Cross West station project.

Five tech firms join HS2 Innovation Accelerator initiative

HS2 Ltd has announced the first five tech firms that will join its Innovation Accelerator programme, focussing on HS2’s innovation challenges – productivity, the environment and the circular economy.

Avoiding extinction: It’s all about managing construction data

Tom Willcock, head of surveying innovation at Hollis explores innovation in data management and how technology in the construction sector is more visible than ever.

How drones are transforming the construction industry

Drones are helping construction firms tackle Britain’s housing crisis head-on, according to Robert Garbett, founder of the UK Drone Delivery Group and Drone Major Group Limited.

Rugged technology plays pivotal role in the future of construction

New research by Samsung looks at the benefits of rugged technology in construction, revealing more than nine out of ten employees would like their company to invest in more devices in the future.

Construction experts call for ‘clean recovery’ post-Covid

Construction industry experts have called on the sector to lead a ‘clean recovery’ from Covid-19, as the pandemic injects a renewed sense of urgency into existing challenges.

How intelligent buildings can guard against terror

Adrian Timberlake, chief technical officer of Seven Technologies Group, examines the vast potential of intelligent buildings in defending nations against threats of terrorism.

Drone technology to help identify defects on Kent roads

Amey is trialling drone technology in a bid to identify defects on roads in and around Kent.

Vinci to deliver Harlow Science Park expansion

Vinci Construction UK is currently on-site to deliver the 50,000 sq ft mid-tech advanced manufacturing facilities, as Harlow Science Parks expands.

HS2 launches second wave of Innovation Accelerator programme

HS2 has launched the second wave of its Innovation Accelerator programme to search for SMEs with ideas on how to accelerate building work on the railway.

Construction technology in an evolving world

Parm Bhangal, managing director of Bhangals Construction Consultants and My Build Estimate, looks at how construction technology is transforming the industry.

3D laser scanning’s mobile moment has arrived: Is your business ready?

Mobile 3D laser scanning is emerging as a valuable tool to gather building information in greater detail while saving time and money - and improving worker safety.

Landmark updates its data and mapping service

Landmark Information updates its Promap mapping and data service following the launch of Ordnance Survey’s (OS) new geospatial data platform.

5 mobile systems that can improve construction workflows

Mobile systems backed with cloud-based technologies offer construction sites a previously unseen level of convenience and ease-of-use. Bryan Christiansen of Limble CMMS looks at five of these systems and how they can improve construction workflows.

IoT data: Maximising its value

Nick Sacke, head of IoT and products at Comms365, explains that stakeholders need to fully understand how to integrate these new data sources into existing data platforms and get the most value from it.

Atkins and nPlan collaborate to drive project delivery

Atkins has formed a partnership with artificial intelligence technology start-up company, nPlan, to explore new data-driven contracting models for major project delivery.

Driverless vehicles: Coming to a city street near you soon…

Driverless cars promised cities much, but have conspicuously failed to arrive – has something gone wrong with driverless technology?

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