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FARO is the world’s most trusted source for 3D measurement technology, it develops and markets computer-aided measurement and imaging devices and software.

The Latest from the Digital Construction Sector

Why did we bother with BIM before BIM?

Moving from a 2D world to 3D can help beat inefficiency traps before adding more value through the BIM process as outlined here by Lee Mullin of Autodesk

The smart city is not just a pipedream

Why contractors must engage in the smart city conversation is highlighted here by John Cove, marketing manager at Starrett

Using BIM to enhance 3D crowd simulation – and vice versa

Marrying the evolution of 3D crowd simulation with the wealth of data generated by BIM realises new possibilities, say Oasys

Digitising planning – developing trust and engagement

John Twitchen, PCSG’s Head of Cities and Communities calls for planners to digitise planning and notes the benefits for all parties involved in the process

Why we need more effective supply chain engagement for BIM

BIM advocate and consultant Tim Platts offers advice on a suitable procurement strategy and supply chain engagement plan for a successful BIM project

Diversity for BIM and how it establishes a collaborative culture

Elizabeth Kavanagh, of Stride Treglown Ltd explores the value of diversity for BIM and the role of collaboration as we move towards Digital Built Britain

BIM – is it time to change the conversation to Digital Engineering?

Carl Collins, CIBSE Digital Engineering Consultant, argues that BIM as a term has served its purpose and we should now be using Digital Engineering

A fix for building envelope longevity, aesthetics and sustainability

The choice of fasteners for roofing and cladding determines how well the building envelope stands the test of time. SFS intec’s Andy Stolworthy explains

Is BIM redefining the roles and working practices of the Quantity Surveyor?

The role of the Quantity Surveyor is not under threat, but enhanced by the use of BIM argues Bhushan Avsatthi, Associate Director at Hi-Tech iSolutions LLP

Waste management innovation and becoming BIM compliant

BIM is bringing construction into the digital age - creating opportunities for waste management innovation across all sectors say Reconomy

BIM Kitemark for Asset Management awarded to first global organisations

Three global firms have gained a new BIM Kitemarkâ„¢ for Asset Management following the effective management of asset data

BIM technology – What came first? The chicken or the egg?

Clearbox discusses the need for better BIM technology to enable digital transformation. We’re constantly being told that in order for digital transformation to succeed people...

2nd generation training BIM ready program for construction professionals

Man and Machine unveil their plans for the pan-European BIM Ready Program, providing a foundation for delivering this national construction aspirations. When one realises the significant...

BIM training courses have been developed to keep pace with the industry

RICS ' BIM training is offered in various formats and at different levels of competency, says Alan Muse, Global Director of Built Environment Professional...

Structured Product Data for BIM provides many benefits

Product Manager Andy Stolworthy shares SFS' progress with Structured Product Data for BIM SFS is fully behind the ethos of BIM and wants to provide...

RICS isurv launches brand new infrastructure channel

RICS’ isurv Infrastructure channel is the only market resource to offer leading edge information on the major life cycle stages of an infrastructure project Tapping...

coBuilder signs agreement for delivery of structured product data for the Norwegian construction industry

This week, coBuilder signed an agreement with The Federation of Norwegian Construction Industry (BNL) to deliver standard-based product data structures also known as Product...

The BIM bonus: Increasing reliability and efficiency of simulation software

BIM enables the importing of both 3D geometry and whole BIM objects, providing a valuable tool for simulation software. Here, Oasys explains

BIM Show Live 2018 will focus on the digital trends of tomorrow

After this year’s success, the BIM Show Live will return in March 2018 to explore upcoming digital trends and how these can benefit the sector

Highway Design and 3d modelling

Have you thought about the quality of your highway designs? If your team is still working the way they did 10 years ago then they...

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