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Revolutionising payment processes in construction – How BW: Workplace Experts embraced innovation

The construction industry has long been plagued by inefficiencies in administrative and financial workflows. For BW: Workplace Experts, a leading player in the interior fit-out industry with an impressive portfolio of clients, the need for streamlined payment processes has become a priority as the business has grown.

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FARO is the world’s most trusted source for 3D measurement technology, it develops and markets computer-aided measurement and imaging devices and software.

The Latest from the Digital Construction Sector

BIM Level 3 & Beyond

The BIM Level 3 & Beyond | Moving Forward After Level 2 event held on 29th June 2016 at the University of Manchester proved...

Being Collaborative with Behaviours4Collaboration

A key message of BIM requires a more collaborative approach, but what does this mean in practice? The founder member of Behaviours4Collaboration, Elizabeth Kavanagh...

BIM4SME reveals new chair and leadership team

Terry Gough will join BIM4SME as the new chair, while the organisation’s wider leadership sees a shakeup BIM4SME has revealed Terry Gough will become the...

Level 2 BIM is just the beginning

It is widely accepted that Level 2 BIM is just the beginning. But where are we in 2016, and where are we going? Professor...

BIM4FM – what’s changed?

The BIM Level 2 “go live” date has passed, but what has changed in the BIM4FM arena? Mike Packham, Partner of Bernard Williams Associates...

Demystifying the Common Data Environment

The Common Data Environment needn’t be complicated, explains Adrian Burgess, Technical Director at PCSG Even though the concept has been around for a while, there...

The UK BIM Alliance – and about time too

The UK BIM Alliance will officially launch in October, but why do we need it? John Eynon, Joint Chair of BIM Regions UK and...

The evolution of BIM and higher education

As BIM has changed the face of the construction industry, so must BIM and higher education bodies react to the needs of the expertise...

Digital production leaves lithographic printing behind

Hewlett Packard outlines how the installation of the fifth HP PageWide XL 8000 large format printer completes the UK Hydro­graphic Office's transformation to digital Ten years...

Level of definition with BIM

Understanding the appropriate level of definition (LOD) throughout a project is vital to implement BIM efficiently and successfully. Here, Duncan Reed, Digital Construction Process...

Project management and bad assumptions

Good project management means the ability to deal with, and avoid bad assumptions, as detailed here by Notable In 2003, the German and Switzerland governments...

How does BIM aid sustainability?

BIM and the new dimension of sustainability that it brings are discussed here by Nick Tune, CEO of coBuilder UK

Bluebeam – Can You Supplement BIM With 3D PDFs?

Adrian Slatter, Sales and Marketing Director, Design Software Solutions explains how BIM and virtual design is revolutionising the construction industry For many project teams, virtual...

First Scottish firm receives BIM Level 2 certification

McLaughlin & Harvey has become the first construction firm in Scotland to gain BIM Level 2 certification from BRE A Scottish firm has become the...

BIM or GIS? It’s BIM + GIS that’s an enabler for true digital construction

We are regularly caught in the discussion about whether a project should be BIM or GIS and I have to admit, I remain confused...

The Extinction Agenda

John Eynon asks where you stand on the extinction agenda – do we evolve as an industry or risk becoming extinct? It might just be...

How to get efficient data management from BIM

Driving efficient data management from BIM and how to become a digital enterprise is examined by Graeme Forbes of Clearbox As we continue forward on...

Level 3 BIM and the data explosion

Level 3 BIM, location intelligence, and the explosion of data are all considered here by Paul Marshall of Landmark Information Group The AGI’s Foresight 2020...

BIM component library launched by Highways England

A new digital component library has been launched by Highways England for use on highways projects A new digital library has been launched by Highways...

FenestraPro Premium for Revit Version 2.1

Business Development Manager Rachel Waite discusses the launch of FenestraPro Premium for Revit Version 2.1, and what’s to come It’s a very exciting time for us...

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