A seminar on the benefits of using Europe's only C2C Certified® reflective insulation along with its sister membranes is one of the highlights of an open day being held at the HQ of a leading timber frame manufacturer next month.
Jane Goddard, managing director of building performance services and deputy CEO at BRE, outlines why waste management in the construction industry must evolve to meet the UK’s economic and environmental goals
Issue 4.0 of the Carbon Reduction Code for the Built Environment reinforces industry commitments to cutting carbon emissions deep into the supply chain.
Designing the steel structures for a solar farm requires careful consideration many elements. Software tools and structural engineering principles play vital roles in these calculations, ensuring the safety and effectiveness of the solar farm’s physical framework.
As the construction sector grapples with mounting pressure to address environmental concerns, London’s pioneering approach to managing emissions from construction equipment is setting new standards for the industry, writes James Bellinger, associate director at Arup.
As we reach the first anniversary of mandatory biodiversity net gain requirements for most planning applications of England, Samantha Willis, senior biodiversity consultant at Ramboll, looks at the impact of the regulations and where the market will go next.